He was wearing a dark shirt, jeans and baseball cap. I shook my head, all three of them had 'signature' looks. I followed Ad-Rock down the steps.

When we reached the bottom my shoes rested on light tan carpet. The walls were a dark maroon and there were two large couches on either side of a Plasma television. On the other side there was a small bar and a pool table with purple felt. I took in the amazing area and noticed in the back there was a recording booth. I could see a few people inside but with the tinted glass, I couldn't tell who they were.

Ad-Rock introduced me to the other few dudes who were playing pool and then we went over to the bar.

"Shot?" He asked.

I nodded with a smile. I was feeling a little better about this night.

"So where is that little feisty blonde you were supposed to bring with you?" Ad-Rock asked as he passed me a shot glass, filled with clear liquid.

I laughed, "Bree? Oh! She left me for a guy within five minutes of being here. That girl is boy crazy."

"Figured. Cheers!" He screamed obnoxiously.

I tilted my head back and took the shot with ease, even though it left a burning sensation in my chest. I followed Ad-Rock over to the couch and sat down next to him. He was joking back and forth with one of the big guys playing pool. I laughed along with them.

"So, are you Mike's girl?" The guy asked after taking his shot and hitting a ball into a pocket.

My body tensed.

"Cat got your tongue?" The guy joked.

Ad-Rock chuckled as he walked over to the fridge, "Mike wishes this was his girl! He's too goofy for our little Livy." He opened a new beer and handed it to me.

"Thanks." I said with a smile.

He nodded, knowing I was saying thanks for the beer and for the save.

"Who'd you say was goofy?" Mike pretended to be angry as he came down the steps.

"You!" Ad-Rock yelled, then he pretended to attack him.

"Okay, okay boys. Get yourselves together! There's a lady present." Adam joked as he basically jumped over the other two as he came down the steps.

"Adam!" I smiled as I jumped up.

"Come here girl." He said as he gave me a huge bear hug.

Adam was like a brother to me, he wasn't blood but he was my family and I loved this boy to death. He was always around, helping me out when my Dad got tough to handle, keeping me in check when I was making the wrong decisions.

"Nice jacket." I teased, looking at the black leather jacket he had over his white T-shirt.

"It's new!" He exclaimed.

"It looks old." I rolled my eyes.

"That's the point." He looked at me with no expression.

"Shots!" Ad-Rock announced.

"You're on a roll tonight." I said, walking over to the little bar.

This time a few more people came out of the recording booth and surrounded the bar with us.

Ad-Rock took a bottle of vodka and messily poured shots all around.

"To friends!" He screamed.

"To friends!" we chanted back and we all took our shots.

The night carried on like this. A few shots here and there, people were in and out of the booth, messing around on the tracks. I played a game of pool with Adam and we watched a few music videos on the television. I was feeling drunk, and I think everyone else in the basement was feeling the same way. We completely separated ourselves from the party going on upstairs and I was fine with that.

I walked out of the sliding glass doors. I was fumbling around in my purse, looking for a cigarette. I finally succeeded, I put the cigarette between my lips and brought the lighter up towards my face.

I must have been drunk because I didn't even notice someone else walk outside. I felt a hand enclose itself around mine, bringing my hand down to my side. "You know, you should really quit these." Mike said as he took the cigarette from my mouth and flicked it into the yard.

"I don't hear you preaching to Adam about his smoking." I countered.

"Adam's a big boy, even though you both need to quit." He answered.

I smiled playfully, "Are you calling me a little girl?"

He smiled back. "No, but I don't kiss Adam."

"You don't kiss me either..." I began.

Before I knew what was happening, Mike's lips were on mine. I could feel the heat radiating off his lips and time froze. I began kissing back. His hands trailing up my sides and lightly holding the back of my neck. I dropped my lighter and placed my hands on his shoulders. We finally broke away.

"Are you coming with me tonight?" Mike asked.

"I came with Bree." I answered.

His face fell in disappointment.

"Let me go see where Bree is, maybe I can arrange something." I said as I walked back in, leaving Mike outside.

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