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I sat there with Hope for at least an hour but most likely more. She's a good friend, just letting me be a complete mess around her. Eventually I had my mom pick me up, and I had to explain everything again to her.

Just as the "I'm sorry" and the "you poor thing" and other pitying phrases I heard stopped they started again. I don't want to hear these things, I just want to be alone. No, that's a lie. I don't want to be alone. I want to be with Izzy.

I wanted to talk to her so badly I tried anything to connect with her in any way. I started texting her, I don't know why, I just did.

Delaney: Izzy please tell me this was a lie

Delaney: Izzy please tell me this was some sick joke

Delaney: I promise I won't be mad if it's a joke

Delaney: please let this be a joke

Delaney: I'm sorry

Delaney: please tell me if I can fix this

Delaney: first Daisy

Delaney: now you

Delaney: I'm sorry

Delaney: I must be being punished, and you have suffered because of it

Delaney: what's the point? Why am I texting you? As much as I want it, you can't reply. You'll never reply again.

Delaney: you can't change reality

Delaney: this is my reality now

Delaney: my horrible reality

Delaney: my reality that is nowhere near perfect since you're gone

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