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So it's been a while. A month actually. I know, I know, it's always a month. Everything's been fine, though.

Me and Izzy are friends again. Close friends, too. (Only she never explained the lying thing.)

Our drama club started in school with all my friends. Only minus Daisy because she played softball.

So yay lets talk about drama! We are putting on the play Footloose. Hope is Ariel because she's amazing and deserves the lead, Maureen's Rusty because she is always funny as side characters, and I play Vi. It's not the biggest part but I think it's fun, other then the fact I'm married to a kid I hate. We only have four more weeks left of rehearsal before its time for the play.

"On every Sunday, here we'll be. Raising our voices in harmony," I sing during our act one run through.

We go through the act singing, dancing, smiling, laughing. This is really fun! I love acting and the arts and playing around with friends. Hope is amazing, too. She's such a great singer, dancer, actress. She's just amazing. I love all my friends.

Izzy is coming to the opening night performance. That's really exciting. I still have a crush on her, I still love her, but I'm happy with friendship. I'd rather be loved the same way I love my friends then not be loved at all by her.

The play is coming together nicely. I can't wait to see everyone opening night, especially Hope. It's such a fun play to do.

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