Your mother blushed straightaway when she noticed how handsome Himuro looks, she would literally fall for him if he was in her age, or at least that's what she thought. "O-Oh, I'm sorry! I never thought that my (Nickname)-chan would hook up with a whole bunch of handsome guys, eyyyyy~!" Chuckling, your mother asked your teammates to get in the house and sit in the living room as she guided Murasakibara to your bedroom.

"Are you by any chance (Nickname)'s boyfriend, young man?"

"Ehh? What are you talking about? Of course, (Nickname)-chin is mine~"

"I see, you're rather confident though. What's your name?" Questioned your mother with a sly smirk planted on her face.

"Eto.. Name's Atsushi Murasakibara."

"Ah, well, well, Atsushi-kun! Here's (Nickname)'s bedroom. Drop her on the bed and come and join us downstairs! Fufufu~"

As your mother ran down the stairs, Murasakibara entered your room, it was really organized and clean. Though, it wasn't you who made it look this way, it was your mother, which still gave Murasakibara a great impression of you. Resuming, he walked to your bed and just when he was about to place you on it, your eyes fluttered open.

Yawning lazily, you closed your eyes again when you felt the warmth of your boyfriend's back against your body. It was pleasing and warm, it made you feel comfortable and safe. You snuggled closer on his back and tightened your grip around his neck.

"I wish this could last forever.."

Upon hearing your words, Murasakibara smiled for the first time in years. "(Nickname)-chin~ Quit daydreaming about my back and let me drop you on your bed."

You immediately snapped back to reality and realized that you weren't dreaming, you were so embarrassed about what you just said on the first day of the beginning of your relationship in front of your boyfriend.

"I'm sorry, Murasakibara-kun!" You blurted out loud.

Sitting down on the fluffy surface of your comfy bed, Murasakibara removed his arms from your body, signaling you to do the same. You did as he wished and sat beside him on the bed.


"Yes, Murasakibara-kun?"

"This isn't fair~!"


Meanwhile, your mother was pleased about sitting with the youths who seemed to be tired. She was the one who's enjoying their stay in the house, which is actually supposed to be the opposite. She was conversing with Himuro as the rest of the boys seemed to be hopeless, knowing that your mother is actually fond of Himuro.

"Why is Atsushi-kun taking a long time to come back here?" Your mother questioned.

"I don't really know." Answered Himuro calmly,

"Thy have gone to the bathroom I suppose." Murmured Liu nonchalantly.

"Or maybe (Y/N)-chan woke up." Replied Okamura.

"I'm going to check out what's happening up there." Spoke up Fukui as he stood up to go upstairs.

"You sure you know where's (Nickname)'s bedroom, Fukui-san?" Your mother questioned, smiling at Fukui who seemed to look thrilled.

"Yeah, I'm going to find it anyways."


Walking up to the stairs, Fukui rushed and dashed, not caring or giving a damn if he was going to fall from up or no. He just felt that he's missing something, or that something's occurring and he just can't miss it.

He's feeling it in the gut.

He arrived to the second floor as he saw a bunch of doors and room, not knowing which one is yours. Though, he's energetic so he doesn't mind wasting any time.

Abruptly, he heard some noises coming from another side, which got him curious as heck. Sneaking up quietly, he reached to the door of your room. And just as he was about to place his hand on the doorknob,

"Ahhh~ Murasakibara-kyuuuunnn..!!!"

he has heard something that he wasn't obligated to hear.

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