17. Olivori

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Oliver immediately starts getting ready as Tori runs to her suit.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Going with you"

"No. He can hurt you-"

"Oliver, I'm invincible. He punches me, I can't feel it" she replies before quickly getting changed and then walks next to Oliver.

"You have everything you need?" She asks.

"Yeah why?"

Tori grabs his bicep, making him look at her weirdly before she gives him a sarcastic smile and then teleports them to the street Barry was on and they are in front of Iris who was watching the scene from her car.

"Next time, if you ever do that again, give me a heads up" The Arrow says, catching himself from falling before running to fight off Barry.

Tori then looks at Iris, pressing her necklace.

Eddie is now saved by The Arrow and running to the car.

"I told you he was a bad guy"

"Eddie, he's not a bad guy. You know those...villains. A dude who can control electricity-Tony Woodward, he could turn into metal?" Tori asks them both and they nod.

"There's one that can control emotion. Specifically, anger. And he did that to the Flash. He's never like this and we'll get him back, I promise. Just keep this on the down low" She explains to them and Eddie is hesitant to agree but does before the two drive off.

Tori turns around to see the two men nowhere to be seen.

"Where the hell did they go" Tori says into the ear piece after turning off her necklace.

"Around the corner" Cisco replies.

Tori quickly teleports there to see Barry zooming around Oliver, taking oxygen from him.

"Oliver!" She shouts, scared for his life.

She steps in front of Barry, making him crash into her and he falls on the floor.

Oliver uses an arrow to go onto the top of the building.

"What are you doing here" Barry spats, standing back up.

"I'm here to stop you, Barry. I'm not going to let you hurt anymore people" she says, stepping closer to him and she notices his eyes are red.

As she stepped closer, she saw them slowly trying to turn back to his green ones but were overpowered by anger.

"What are you doing to me?" He asks softly and looks like he was scared for some reason.

"Let me help you"

"I don't need your help!" he yells before throwing a punch.

Tori ducks his punch, ready to fight him now.

"Didn't think it would come to this, Barry. I thought you were better" she grunts, throwing a punch to his jaw as he tries speeding into her.

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