“I recently got… Jeff,” she spat out his name, “to be a playmate to her. Turns out, they hate each other, but, hey, what can you do?” Alise continued to chitter nervously, tapping her foot on the ground. Kane noticed the movement and took a step back.

“If now’s a bad time, we can… talk over coffee?” he smiled nervously. Alise froze. Was he asking her on a date? She hadn’t been on a date since her freshman year.

“I… uh… sure?” she squeaked. Kane’s smile grew wider, and he quickly handed her his number while filing his in his phone. “So… tomorrow?” she questioned, a small smile playing on her lips.

“Tomorrow,” he assured, grin widening as he waved. On his way out, he stumbled, and with a nervous grin, he quickly jogged the rest of the way down the stairs. Alise laughed and shook her head at his antics. She had a feeling her nana knew what she was doing when she sent him here.

“Sly hag, trying to set me up,” she mused, closing the door. She had almost forgotten Jeff was there and not actually a cat when she turned and was face-to-face with the killer himself.

Neuter Jeff the cat?” he scowled, stalking towards her. Despite the throbbing pain that was sent through her shoulder at the sight of him, she smiled sweetly.

“If it means Jeff the kitty will be nicer, then, yes. I’ll take his furry little ass to the vet in a heartbeat,” she grunted, pushing past him. Surprisingly, he let her. He simply trailed behind, balancing his knife on his finger every once in a while.

Sighing, Alise flopped on the couch, ignoring Jeff as he sat on the opposite side. Curling her fingers, she called Andromeda to her, letting the fluffy cat hop into her lap and burrow her head into her side. The cat was still very wary of Jeff, especially seeing the glinting knife still placed in his hands. Jeff groaned, sinking lower in his seat.

“You’re boring.”

“What? Because I’m not about to die?” she scoffed back. He only seemed to find her entertaining when she was under him with a blade next to her throat.

“Nah, I wouldn’t let you die on me that easy. And who was that kid? You know him?” he asked unexpectedly, scooting closer to her. Andromeda hissed and leaped off the couch, sprinting down the hallway. Alise sighed.

“A friend of my nanny’s. And why does it matter, anyway?” she whispered, closing her eyes. Her shoulder throbbed something awful. She felt lucky that he hadn’t cut her deep, or she would have had to go to the hospital. Feeling Jeff move across the furniture, she tilted her to the side. Jeff was leaning over her, and his fingers lightly traced the intricate patterns he had made on her shoulder.

“It just does,” he murmured. When she opened her eyes, his closeness put her off. Twitching, she gripped his hand. He grinned, eyes brightening. “Fight me,” he ordered.

“You’ll just try to kill me again, Jeff.” She grunted. “Can’t I make do with one near-death experience a day?” she complained.

“I won’t use my knife,” he promised, swinging his leg across her hips to where he was straddling her. “I might even go easy on you,” he compromised. “Don’t you trust me?”

“That’s the second time today you asked me that; the first time, you tried to kill me right after,” she hissed, trying to buck him off. He grunted, slamming her back onto the couch. One hand held her wrists down after she tried to hit him, and the other traced the pattern of the bite mark left in her neck.

“You shouldn’t have jerked away, it wouldn’t have been as bad,” he pointed out, poking the wound. She hissed as he broke open the new scab, sending a shockwave of pain through her.

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