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"Greenie..." Someone says in a sing-song voice as they shake me awake.

I grumble and squint my eyes open just enough to notice a figure standing in front of me. Newt. He shakes me again, and this time I growl at him.

"Easy there, Greenie. I know it's early but I have something to show you," he says, holding up his hands defensively.

Opening my eyes fully, I notice that the sun has barely began a new day. There's just enough light to see what's right ahead of me.

Newt stands up and I see his messy blonde bed hair. I can only imagine how horrible my bed hair is. Stretching and grumbling, I finally manage to sit up and look at him. He looks down at me with tired eyes, which means he is either just really tired from waking up so early or he didn't sleep well last night, and gives me an apologetic smile.

"Do you normally wake up this early?" I ask, coming to a stand.

Newt rubs his face and yawns, "No...but since it's your first real day as a Glader, we have a lot for you to see and do."

"So what? Are you my mentor now or something?" I question, folding my arms.

Newt smiles and answers, "Something like that, Greenie."

The way he calls me 'Greenie' makes me grin slightly. He uses it kindly while the rest use it as an insult. It's like my nickname to him.

"Shall we get going then?" he suggests, gesturing toward the stairs.

I nod and run my hand through my hair. It's not as messy as I thought it would be, just wavy. Fetching my hoodie, which Newt had grabbed for me last night, I follow Newt down the stairs. We exit the Homestead and hear a rooster crow in the distance. I look towards the barn like structure and spot a couple boys already up and feeding the animals.

'They really have made a good system here...for boys that is,' I think and put on my hoodie.

Although the sun had come up a bit more, it's still chilly with a slight breeze. As I follow Newt from behind, I catch a slight limp while he walks, like he has a rock in his shoe or something. His back is very defined. Slim but strong.

'I wonder how old he is,' I think.

"Are you alright?" Newt asks suddenly.

I shake my head and come back to reality.

"Yeah," I answer, "Just tired, that's all."

"Well we're here," he replies, pointing at a wall.

That's when I realize where we were walking: right up to one of the walls. I look up and see dozens of names carved into the stone. I read some familiar names like 'Alby' 'Minho' 'Newt' and 'Gally', and others I didn't recognize like 'Frypan' and 'Clint'. A few of the names had a line or two across them.

"What is this?" I ask, not taking my eyes off the names.

Newt stands beside me and looks up as well.

"These are the names of every Glader that has ever been in this bloody place," Newt answers, crossing his arms.

I point up at the names with lines through them.

"What about those names?" I question.

Newt sighs, "Those chaps aren't with us anymore."

He looks down at his feet and kicks a rock away. Then he looks up at me.

"When you remember your name, Greenie, you can carve your name into the wall," he explains.

I nod.

Just then both of our stomachs let out a grumbling noise. I wrap my arms around my abandon and blush. I hadn't noticed how hungry I was until now.

Newt laughs, "You too? Come on, Greenie. Let's go get some of Frypans bacon."

He waves for me to follow and we walk to the Homestead. After we enter the building, I find a seat at one of the tables and wait for Newt to bring me breakfast from the kitchen. I smell the bacon he was talking about and breath it in, sighing as I breathe out. I don't remember the last time I ate bacon or how I even know what it is, but I do know that I, love it.

'Hurry up, Newt. I'm starving!' I think as my stomach growls again.

Then I hear the door to the Homestead open and I turn to see who it is. Minho walks in. His dark hair is pointed up in the front and his shoulders are held high, like he is ready to conquer the day. I remember our little race yesterday and understand why I wasn't able to out run him. He was built for running as if he had ran every day of his life. Newt was defining but Minho was built.

He notices me and smiles. I wave at him and he walks over to me. Strides as sassy as his mouth. Minho was known for his sarcasm and sassy talk.

When he sits across the table from me he asks, "How was your night with Newtiepie, Greenie?"

I smirk, "Well he didn't smell as bad as you, so pretty good. Thank you."

'Where did that comment come from?' I think, 'I didn't know I was so cocky!'

Minho laughs up a storm at my come back, holding his stomach.

"You're growing on me, Greenie. Even if you are a girl," he says, pretending to wipe a tear from his eye.

I huff, "Excuse me, but if you didn't hear, I was able to drink a whole glass of Gally's drink last night WITHOUT vomiting, so you watch yourself."

I cross my arms and lean back slightly, trying to look tough.

Minho catches his breath from his laughing fit.

"Where is Newtiepie anyway?" he asks.

"Right here, babe," Newt answers, taking the seat next to me.

He hands me a plate of bacon, slices of apple, and what I think is an attempt at toast.

"Thanks Newtiepie," I smirk.

Newt blushes and stuffs himself with his own piece of failed toast.

Minho clears his throat and stands up, saying, "I'm gonna go get my own breakfast."

I stand up too.

"I'll come too. I need to get some water," I say and we head over towards the kitchen.

As Minho goes to get his own plate of food, I walk over to a shelf and see the glass jars on the top shelf. On my toes, I reach for one of the glasses, brushing it's side with my fingertips. I give up and sigh. Then an idea hits me. Instead of simply asking for help I could just jump for the glass jar!

I bend my knees and launch myself into the air. My hand hits the glass but doesn't grab it. Instead, the glass crashes down on the floor as I land, breaking into little pieces. The crashing noise scares me and I scream. Loudly.

My head spins and I kneel to a crouching position over the glass pieces. I gasp and cover my mouth with my hands. I wasn't hurt, but I was extremely startled. I didn't know why my head was pounding so much though.

Minho, the cook (Frypan I think his name is), and Newt rush over to see what happened.

I stand up and look at the mess beneath me, distraught at my actions.

"Y/N, you idiot!" I yell at myself.

Glancing up, I notice all the boys smiling at me.

"What?" I ask.

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