what going on?

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I went to my kitchen and got a knife. I want to protect myself from the person that broke in my house. Like really why does this have to fucken happen to me. I go into the guess room. But there was no one there. Then I hear a nob turning on the water was now running. What the fuck? Is my apartment haunted or something?! I look around the room and see a picture of this family. It was just the mom and two guys. So, I'm guessing there a guy here . I hope the fucken stupid ass landlord didn't do this shit to me. This person need to go. I don't care if its a guy or girl they need to leave. It would be bad for them to stay here. Anyone can come a kill them thinking its me. I go to the bathroom with the knife still in my hand. When I try turning the door nob . It didn't open it was lock. Fucken hell man. I went to my room and got a bobpin. I unlock the door  I slowly open it. The person didn't hear the door open that good. I walked slowly so my shoes would not make a sound. I open the shower cirtan. And there was a guy right in front of me looking scared . I was in shock I could not look away.
"Ummmm pleas don't kill me!" He yelled. 

" OMG ! IM SO SORRY, " I said and walk out.  I know I have blood on me from the fight I had with the other gang. I'm sure scared the shit our of him but I wasn't going to expect him to be good looking. Fuck I hate this shit . why does this happen to me.  This guy might get kill cuz of me.  I have my gang I don't need to protect this guy . Then again he does live with me .  Fuck this is going to cause prombles. Just shot me now , why does the stupid ass landlord have to be stupid ass fuck.  I guess I will have to do this on my own to get this guy out of here. I hear the shower turn off, this is great to scare him off. He walked by to get to the other room. Fuck! I stab the knife into the table from pissed off I was . Now I'm going to have to kill my landlord. How should I kill him ? I don't want my hands to get dirty . I send someone for him . I didn't notice that he was out just standing at his door way. Still looking scared.
" so I'm guessing my landlord told you this apartment room is good for you ?" I asked him .
"Ya he did , he said I would be sharing a room . I didn't know it was a girl. Why is there so much blood on you ?"
He said.
" okay well I need you to get the fuck out! I don't want you here . I need all your shit out by tomorrow morning. You got that! And you don't need to know why I'm covered in blood okay! You be happy i didn't kill you."
" Well I'm not moving from here okay. I'm going to pay rent and just live my life . You don't have to be such a bitch. I'm staying and I don't care what you say. There no reason for me to leave is there ?"
" Listen you fucker I can have my gang come and kill you! So call me a fucken bitch one more time! I kill you my self right now! I'm not going to let you a stupid mother fucker say no to me . So right now get all your shit out now!"
I yelled at him. I'm fucken pissed off he don't want to do anything.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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