The entire freaking story right here

Start from the beginning

Mot stepped in. he could feel the warm air from the fire. He felt the irritation the cat fur gave him. He saw the piles of flower crowns Alyssa had made. "Alyssa! " He called out. Almost instantly, Mot heard her coming down to the door. Step, step, step, rumble, creaakkk, shut, step, step, step.

Mot soon saw her coming down the stairs. Because the stairs were facing away and it had been too long to instantly remember his voice, Alyssa asked, "Who is it?" but after turning around, she knew. 

Standing in front of her was Martha, Andor, Dianite, the natives, Sparklez, Jericho, Firefoxx, Tom, Waglington, and her father, Mot.

"Dad?" She wasn't shocked, she was happy.  She ran over to embrace him. "I thought you were dead! We all thought you were dead! We looked for weeks until we gave up! Why did you leave?" Alyssa was a mix of happy and angry. She looked older that before, but, like all the others so far, recognizable. Mot pointed towards Dianite and smiled.

"We got him back. And you seem to be in good shape, so what was so bad about me leaving? "Mot said, making a point.  They embraced once more.

Behind the Natives, the door opened, revealing spark, Jeriah, Dec, and just casually walking in was Ianite.  She seemed younger, glowing, happier, and her eyeliner was perfect. Sparklez was the first to speak to her.

"My lady. Hello." Sparklez greeted her. Once she saw him she flew over to hug him.

Martha was unaffected by her presence, this Ianite was not her mother after all. Ianite was stunned by Sparklez's sudden arrival. "I looked for a way to bring you back for so long! I wanted the real you back. And now Mot is alive and well, I see. "Ianite seemed no longer weak, and was good friends with the travelers.

After small talk, they all celebrated by returning home and sleeping. The Alters knew that if the natives came back, they would want their homes back, so they carefully preserved them. All was the same, except a creeper blew up all of tuckers Chests. Oh well. 

They had a good night's rest for the morning.

In the morning, Spark and Sparklez were chatting, because their houses were close and they were both headed to the farm for food. Spark had a question in his head all night, but was afraid of the answer. He had to ask it, though.  "Sparklez, where is Ianite? My Ianite?" He spit out.

Sparklez was taken back to that time in the end. Seeing her statue. Seeing it collapse into an ashy pile. Spark loved her and she loved him. He remembered the funeral, Spark's rapier, the Ianitas, and World Historian. Especially World Historian, the bastard is the reason why his Ianite is the state she is in now. "Dead. I'm sorry." Sparklez replied.

Spark wasn't shocked. He saw it coming, He was told his home was destroyed and Ianite wasn't with them when they arrived. There was very few possibilities that could have happened. "How?" Ianite was hard to take down, she was a god.

"Her father; World historian. He killed her to destroy your realm." Sparklez answered.

They were silent the rest of the way to the farm and the whole way back.

Sparklez did an inventory check to see what items he had left behind. About halfway through, something appeared out of the corner of his eye to speak to him, "Sparklez? I felt like we needed to talk alone, and catch up on things." Sparklez turned to Ianite, who had a warm smile on her face

Sparklez was glad to spend time with his goddess. "Sure. What do you want to talk about?"

I wanted to ask you to confirm if Martha was really my alters daughter?'


"And this Dianite is a good guy?"


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