Chapter Fourteen // Revelation

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I woke up to loud coughing, I padded in the darkness searching for the source, but I was alone in the bed. I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as the coughing grew louder, the source of it coming from the bathroom where the light was bright under the doorframe. "Sadie?" I knocked on the door, "are you okay?" I waited a second to see if she would answer me, but instead I heard a horrible noise and the next thing I knew she was throwing up.

I opened the door to a very pale Sadie hugging the toilet seat. In all the years that I've known her, I've never seen her so sick. "Babe, are you okay?" She cringed, holding onto her stomach as she flushed the toilet.

"I think it's just something I ate. I'll be fine." Sweat covered her brow and I could see her shaking.

"Sadie," I reached for her and easily pulled her up, "are you sure? Want me to get you anything? I should get you some crackers and ginger ale." I walked her over to the bed and tucked her back in.

"I'd like that." I kissed her forehead before turning to put my shoes on. "Chase?"

"Can you get me some Advil? It's in my toiletry bag in the bathroom."

"Let me get you some crackers first." She nodded her head, closing her eyes.

I let myself out of the hotel room, grateful it was still too early for anyone to be in the halls. I got some crackers from the vending machine and a can of Canada Dry and headed back to the room. I could tell by the time I got back Sadie was asleep by the way her breathing has changed so I sat everything down on the nightstand and retrieved some pills.

I shut the door to the bathroom quietly, intending on using it myself but stilled when I opened her bag. My eyes didn't mean to wander, but they did and I felt as sick as Sadie looked.

A pregnancy stick sat right below the packets of Advil, and it didn't take me more than a few seconds to realize that she's pregnant.

My heart dropped as my mind began to race. Was it mine? Was it someone else's? I couldn't stomach the thought it being someone else's and there was no way to know for sure who the father was without her telling me.

But why was she keeping this for me?

Anger flared within me, but I quickly pushed it away. If the test was here, it meant she did it sometime over the last 24 hours.

I felt like God was testing me for what I said to her last night. That now that I got her back, I wasn't going to let go. Now that she's pregnant, could I hold onto that promise?

I zipped her bag back up, not bothering grabbing the advil as a just in case. I didn't go back to sleep, but instead watched her as her eyes fluttered behind her closed eyelids and wondered what she was dreaming about.

The fact that I wasn't scared, or worried of what was going to happen made me realize that I couldn't let her go now. Not when there was a chance the baby could be mine or the father could be nonexistent. She deserved someone by her side no matter what, and I wanted to be that man.

I just hope that she wants me there as well. 

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