Chapter Eleven // Beautiful Soul

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Chase drove us to a little NAPA Auto Parts store outside of Darlington. It was settled between a run down gas station and newly built Krispy Kreme Donuts that had my stomach rumbling the moment we got out of his trucks.

I haven't spoken a word since I left that bathroom, my pregnancy test stuffed deep in my toiletry bag and that was stuffed even further in my suitcase. I couldn't bring myself to even look at Chase, and he? He allowed the silence whereas before he'd make a big fuss and wouldn't even drive off until we settled what was going on between us.

But he's not that Chase anymore I'm realizing.

He sits at a table, smiling and signing away as fans young and old alike walk up to him and tell him the same story of how they were fans of his father and wish him all of the same luck. I know deep down he doesn't like to be compared to his dad, just like how I don't like it when people find out who my dad is.

In that moment, it hit me that Chase was going to be a father himself. That not only my future would be changing, but his as well. That his legacy was going to be passed on to his son or daughter just like his father's legacy was.

The man in front of me was a stranger that I wanted to get acquainted with again, if not for me, then for the baby.


Chase's POV

I signed the last Herocard in my pile as a mother with three children, all wearing my shirts, came up to me smiling. She ushered them behind the table for a picture and each of them as shy as could be said they wanted to be just like me when they grew up. I told them to work hard and eat their veggies and no time they'll be where I am.

I caught Sadie's eye after they left, and the smile on her face had me staring at her for an extra breath before she blinked my way and caught me looking at her. I gave her a small smile and saw blush rise up on her cheeks. It's been awhile since I've seen her blush, let alone smile.

I know I'm the reason behind her frown, the reason behind her hesitation when it comes to being around me. I can't blame her. I'm the reason why she ran last year. But how can I tell her that because of the mess I put her through is because I'm afraid to fall in love?

Because I am, well, I was.

"Where are you going?" I turned down a road that led us to another dirt road, one away from the racetrack. "I promised I'd go out to dinner with Kasey and his girlfriend before I went back to the hotel for the night."

I slowed down my truck and finally came to a stop on top of a hill. My dad used to take me here to get away from the track when I was younger so I could ride my dirtbike. Now it was just a grassy hill surrounding in the sudden darkness. In the distance you could see the racetrack lit up.

"I know, I already told Kasey I'm kidnapping you for dinner." She didn't say anything, but looked out the window and squeezed her phone in her hand. The damage I've caused this beautiful soul was heartbreaking and I vow from this day forward, I will change, and make everything right again. 

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