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Brooklyn's P.O.V.

After half an hour I was done with the work they had brought me. My mind was stuck in equations and the work of literature. Being done I let it wonder.

Lucas had helped me with half the work. When I got the hang of it he got out his phone. I wasn't surprised. If anything I was surprised he was trying to teach me.

I wanted to visit Peter. But no matter how many times I begged they refused. It was getting frustrating hearing the word no and for the last time go back to your room. I had an hour with my therapist in three hours. I had to make my decision.

The decision to sneak out. I had to do something. I could hear his screams even when no one was around. I was surprised I was sober at so many times having my mind tell me so many lies.

Jack and Lucas sat in the room mindlessly scrolling on their phones. After about a minute or two Jack would glance up at me. Seeing I was done he set down his phone and tried to start a conversation.

"Was it fun?" Was his attempt.

"It was difficult." I admitted.

"Why do you keep looking at the door?" He pressed. "Why don't you talk to us? Are you expecting someone?" Jack furrowed his brows. He seemed infuriated at this.

"I just... I want to see Peter. I feel... Guilty." It was hard telling him that. His expression dropped. He seemed as though he was unsure of what to say.

"Oh." He gulped. "Here." He tossed me another snack. He rises from his chair and crouched next to me on the floor, where I have moved to after twenty minutes into the work.

He looked at me curiously. "They won't let me see him. I would take you with me. To see him. Can you ask to visit him?" I blurted out. "Maybe I could come with you!"

His eyes widened. "Lucas." He called. Lucas looked up from his phone. "Can you go ask someone if we can visit Peter? On floor C." Lucas only nodded in response.

Once he left the room Jack crouched directly in front of me. After about ten seconds of him looking at me I noticed his pupils dilate. I grew uncomfortable.

"Are you thinking or something?" I moved a piece of hair that fell into his green eyes.

"How did you know my name when I walked in earlier?" He turned paler. "Do you remember me?"

I hadn't thought about this. "I'm not sure. It just came to me naturally."

"You should tell someone. A therapist? Do you have one?" He seemed to grow curious.

"I have a therapist. What was her name..." I stopped a moment to think. Jack continued looking at me. "I remember the other guys name too!" I realized. After realization of this I grew furious. "How come you didn't tell me your name before!?"

"I was waiting for you to remember on your own." He seemed hesitant. "That means you are improving. I wanted to see proof that amnesia didn't take the girl I knew away from me." He admitted it wholeheartedly.

"I was dying to know who you were for quiet some time. But you didn't tell me. I was scared Pet- I mean Jack!" My eyes widened at the realization of my own slip up.

He just frowned and sat with his knees to his chest. He put his hands over his face hiding what I could only see as misery. Why was he so upset at this? Was I missing something? What was I missing?

Jack's P.O.V

The hope I had was useless now. I thought if she remembered me then she would be all mine. She seemed uncomfortable around. I tried harder but she would just scoot away. She slipped my name up with that disgrace's.

Tears threatened for a reason I went against so many times. Sleepless nights led to mindless mornings. I was somewhere else right now. I didn't dare look up at her. I his my face in my hands and thought things through.

It felt as though she didn't want me. I was hoping we would grow closer as high school approached. That wasn't happening nor was it going to. She wasn't mine. She was-

"Jack. Are you ok?" Her voice was full of fear.

"I'm fine." I gritted my teeth. I held onto that hope. I couldn't imagine what she was going through. I couldn't care to. "I need to use the restroom or something." I got up saying my excuse halfheartedly.

I ran through the door. I looked around to see Lucas walking away from the front desk. He looked at me questionably. I ran up to him.

I pulled him aside so no one could make out what we would say. As soon as I had his attention the words didn't come out. After running the words through my heard a few times I managed. "She mistaken his name for mine. She remembered my name earlier. I just. Lucas I lost her!" I tried to say it while keeping my voice down.

"What do you mean? Oh..." He glanced around the room. "Look. I know and knew that you liked her. It's just that she was never yours. She isn't anybody's. I don't mean to dishearten you."

"Lucas I can't stop thinking about her." The words heart. Mostly because it was the truth. The truth hurt worse than I had ever wanted it to.

"I've been through a similar situation. I know. It hurts. Jack." He looked me in my eyes. "It hurts worse to hold on then to let go. Trust me." His voice cracked. He cleared it. "I know you hate Peter but we are going to visit him soon." I didn't respond. "I can go and you can stay with her." He didn't speak her name.

I nodded. He began walking down the hallway with a man leading his way. I walked back to Brooklyn's room. It hurt. It really did. But right now I was going to have to ignore that constant pain.

Days I could see that she looked miserable in class. I wondered what was wrong. She must had felt this pain. This pain that I can't bare. I saw the pain in her eyes for all of middle school. She looked like she needed saving. I didn't save her. I still haven't. I can't. Peter had to. She was his. I had to except that.

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