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So alot of you are confused about dead people being alive in this fan fiction, I decided to bring 'em back since I love those characters..
And this fan fiction is just confusing since I was a shittier writer in the beginning but I'm trying to make it more clear for future chapters..unless you guys want me to stop writing this.


Btw follow me on instagram @ Capshinypants

Hermione's pov

Potions was starting in 15 minutes so I had some time until then. I quickly started walking to my headgirl room.

5 minutes later I had arrived in my room and quickly took out my things from the last class and packed the supplies I needed for Potions. I then ran out from the headgirl & headboy commonroom and ran past people trying to be early for class.

I had come to class with four minutes to spare and the Professor was nowhere to be seen.

2 minutes later all the rest of Gryffindor came and behind them were the Slytherins.


I'm continuing this as a part 2 later c:

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