Preparing For Death

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Hermiones pov

Waiting at the door that led to the arena for the tournament with Malfoy wasn't exactly the thing I wanted as a Christmas gift to be honest.

- Truce? For the sake of winning the tournament, I asked him.

- For the sake of the tournament, we shaked hands.

Just a few minutes later they called out me and Malfoy to start with the quest.

- Will Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy come out to do the quest in the Triwizard Tournament? McGonagall was the one who spoke

We we're walking to the middle of the arena and I could see everyone of my friends cheering on me. We we're both allowed to use our wands.

- You will togheter find a replica of this necklace but the necklace is guarded by giant trolls and models that looks identical to your friends, understood? We both nodded. We will have a countdown and then you're allowed to look for the necklace.


We ran into the forest where we thought the necklace were and we were right. We met big trolls but these were smaller than the ones from the bathroom in first year.
We kept shouting spells at the trolls but none of them gave up when one of them just fell and we knew that one was down so we just had to kill the second one. After atleast 5 minutes the second troll died.

When we actually thought that we just had to get the necklace and then run back to the start place when I heard a noise, but it wasn't any regular noise. It was Ginnys voice, she was screaming for help and I couldn't just ignore it. The voice of Ginny went away and then the voice of Blaise and Ron was there instead. Both me and Draco was panicking so we ran to the direction the voices came from. We came to this place where there was just plain grass the voices stopped. Since there didn't appear any other voices we went back to the place where the necklace was.

After atleast 15 minutes we found the necklace, it was hidden in a bush. Since we had done the things we were suppose to do we walked back to the main area of the arena to finally finish this quest.

When we had reached the main area McGonagall asked us something.

- Do you have the necklace? I held up the necklace far above my head to show her and everyone else. Good job you have finished this quest. Everyone started applausing for me and Draco. We highfived each other and then walked back to our common room.


Dracos pov

It was time for dinner where we got to know who succeded and who didn't. Hermione and I walked back togheter since we shared a dorm and since we're in the tournment togheter. As we all waited for Dumbledore to give us food since we were starving.

- Before we eat we want to tell you all which people in the tournament succeded and will move onto the next quest next week. The first pair that succeded is Pansy Parkinson and Cormac McLaggen. The next team to have succeded is Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy. May the feast begin. Everyone started applausing and the Gryffindorks gave Hermione hugs while at the Slytherin table almost no one said a word or did something.

Just because my Fan Fiction have over 500 reads I am going to post 2 chapters today, thank you guys do much! :D

The Smartest Witch Of Our Ageजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें