Ball With A Ferret

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Hermiones pov

The ball, something I thought I would be able to go with who I wanted to, but no. That dream was crashed in a heartbeat. I now have to go with Malfoy to the ball.
I got up to get fixed for the night. I choose to have this wonderful red dress with red earrings just because I'm a Gryffindor and because it would make Draco pissed of course. Just because it was a special occasion I choose to put on makeup and fix my hair extra nice.

As I was finished half an hour later I choose to look if Draco was still in our dorm because I didn't want him to see me before the ball and as I had hoped he had already left to wait at the stairs where I would do my entry. 17:45 and I'm walking to the stairs where Draco is.

I stand at the top of the stairs and everyone turn their heads to me and their eyes and mouth is wide open. I could even see humanity in Dracos eyes.

The only thing I could do was smile and walk down the stairs.

When I finally came down from the stairs I took Dracos hand and we walked to the ball. As we are walking I could hear whispers about how I am at the ball with a death eater but I just couldn't care becauses I was forced to go with him.

As we reached the ball room all the people that is in the tournamentgets to dance first. While walking to the dancing spot I can see some sad eyes as they fall onto mine. As I identifie the owner of the eyes it turns out to be Neville, ron, Harry and Ginnys eyes that looked sad but I couldn't help that I was choosen for the tournament neither could I help that Malfoy is my partner.

Me and Malfoy are the first to dance and everyone just stares at us.

- Funny, isn't it? That they stare at us just because the smartest witch of her age and a death eater is dancing togheter because they are forced too, Draco looks pretty sad while talking.

- Aren't you used to being stared at after you came back to school? I tried to sound as quit as possible since I didn't want everyone to hear what we were talking about.

- Well of course I am but the thing is, don't you feel uncomfortable since everyone is staring? Since you know you are a part of the golden trio.

- Well of course it is uncomfortable since people are staring but they can't help it, this is like voldemort and Dumbledore would dance a slow dance togheter and then form a family togheter.

- True.

We had just stopped talking when we were suppose to stop dancing. As we were standing at the drinks talking about some things Ron came and asked if I wanted to dance and of course I said yes.

- So how is it being here with Malfoy?

- Actually, Ron it isn't that bad.

- Oh really..


Dracos pov

For som reason it isn't that bad being here with Hermione she's actually really nice.

- Hey Drakie-pooh

- Oh..hi Pansy..

- Don't I look amazing?

- My grandma knows how to dress better than you and she's dead

- Haha you're such a joker anyway isn't it horrible that you had to be here with that Mudblood and not me?

- Mhm so horrible..not

The clock was 20:00 and that meant that everyone was suppose to go back to their dorm so I got Hermione and then we left.


And that's this chapter! :D

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