Matt Lawrence Part Two.

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I do not own any of the demigods, that privilege goes to Rick Riordon. Just so you know.

_________Ten years after college_______

It was ten years after college and I was still waiting for Annabeth Jackson. She was my soul mate (AN: AGAIN, EEEEEEWWWWWWWW!),
and I knew we were supposed to be together (AN:Uuuuuugggggghhhhhh). That Percy and his friends had blinded her with their fame, and she had probably suffered the consequences for it. When I got to the reunion, she would be sobbing and holding a baby or two, wishing she had taken my advice. Then I would swoop in, and we would have our happily ever after (AN:How wrong could you get?).

____________At the reunion___________

I got out of my car and went in the school to check in. When I was done checking in, I got my name tag, which had my name and school picture on it, and noticed that Annabeth's was gone, which meant that she was already here. I walked into the gym, and I saw her. She was just as beautiful, but had hundreds of scars all over her body. I bet that her husband had abused her (AN: He could never purposely hurt his Wise Girl). She was holding hands with a 9 year-old girl, which proves my theory ten years ago, about her husband leaving her pregnant, and apparently abused. I started walking over. When I got there, she looked at my name tag, like she didn't recognize me. Feeling confident, I started talking to her, "Hey, Annabeth! How's life?" Before she could answer, the little girl asked, "Mommy, who's this?" I bent down and said "I'm Matt.", at the same time as Annabeth said "This guy doesn't like daddy, and tried to get us to separate." I looked at Annabeth and then looked at the girl. Annabeth nodded to the child, and then the little girl did the last thing that I expected from her-she punched me in the nose (AN: You go girl!)! The force was so great that I was launched a few feet away, and landed on my butt. I looked at Annabeth, expecting her to be scolding the girl, but she was laughing! This wasn't the Annabeth that I remembered. That husband of hers must have changed her, but I was determined to change her back. Then, I saw him walking towards her, and nearly died of fright. He looked just as he had before, except for the scars. He had twice the amount that she had, and they were worse, so it looked as if he had been through hell (AN: He has No Idea). Her husband was holding a toddler. He said "Annabeth, we should go, we have to plan Frank and Hazel's baby shower. Was there anything else you needed to do?" She looked at me and said "No, everything has been taken care of." And with that, they left.

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