Chapter 15

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Chris P.O.V

I felt sick to my stomach watching treasure just get up in leave in her eyes I seen so much hurt and anger inside of her I feel terrible "knock knock " I heard my mama come in with royalty I smiled "Hey ma" I told her she walked over smiling and gave me royalty "Wheres treasure? " I asked her concerned "She asked could I watch ro while she go out for a while "she said smiling but her smile became into I mug when she seen Drea "ooh...who's ...this chris?" She asked looking at her "Oh hey mam-" my mama cut her of "My names Joyce "my mom corrected her "ooh..uh Hey Ms.Joyce I'm Drea Chris's girlfriend " Drea told my mom "oh you ...?" My mama asked drea looking at her stomach "Yeah with twins "Drea told her smiling my mom gave her a fake smile "Can i talk to Chris....Alone " My mom asked giving her a fake smile "Yeah of course "Drea said walking out My mama turn back to me "RoRo close your eyes " My mom said Royal laughed closing her eyes I smiled hearing her laughed but the smile was slapped right off my face "Ouch ma damn" he said rubbing my face "Nigga are you serious right now ?Why would you do that to Treasure ? Do you know how much pain she Been through already and you go sit up here and do this ?I didn't raise you to be like this Christopher "My mom said looking pissed as hell i stayed quite "Then you go go out here nd get this little bit-....girl pregnant Chris that baby AINT yours I know that for a fact you don't know where or what this girl got because she look nasty as hell dont let these little girls play you like you stupid chris get yo life together I didn't raise yo ass to be stupid now I gotta go I'll be back up here later to check up on you Chris ...come on Ro" she said royalty came over by me and kissed my cheek "Bye dada " she told me and my mom picked her up "Bye Ro "I told her my mom started walking out but before she close the door she said"I love you Christopher " I sighed "I love you too ma" and she closed the door I shook my head she doesn't know what she's talking about the baby i mean babies have to be mines lucky she doesn't know about me hitting treasure that would of been the end of it she loves Treasures like Treasures her own daughter i was cut out of my thought into drea come back in and she sat on my bed she was talking but i wasn't listening I just stared at her wishing she was treasure

Adarran P.O.V

I was putting jade in her car seat because her grandma was taking her for the week "Alright Daddy love you okay ?"I told her kissing her forehead "I love you too daddy "she told me with a big smile on her face i couldn't help but smile back I close the door and gave her grandma a hug "Be safe okay" she told me giving me a kiss on my face "i will you too" I told her and walked back in the house
30 minutes later
I was looking over my rhymes when somebody knocked on the door I sighed who the hell could this be I opened the door seeing treasure I looked at her confused "Treasure what are yo-" she cut me off by a kiss I tried to push her off of me but she wouldn't let me I mean I ain't go lie I liked it but it ain't feel right (okay you know how in the movies when two people start kissing like crazy like horny basters than fuck? Yeah that's what happened )

Just another lil snupe love storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora