dont let me go...

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He slowly stood up, pulling me with him, "Where are we going?" I ask pulling back. "I can't lose you... So I'm going to take you everywhere with me." He said avoiding my question. "But I need to take a shower... Will you follow me in there?" I hesitate asking my question. "Not unless you want me to." He says marketing. "No thanks!" I say running into the bathroom, locking the door.


I hear (Y/N) singing in the shower. She's usually so happy... Why would she feel the need to kill herself? I walk into (Y/N)'s room taking down the rope from the fan. I walked downstairs and put the rope back into the garage.

I hear the shower stop, I decided to put it on one of (Y/N)'s favorite TV shows. (Y/N) walks downstairs in pajamas. She sits next to me laying her head on my shoulder. I look down at her looking at her cute face... why do I care about you so much? I ask to myself. (Y/N) noticed me staring, her face got red "why are you staring at me?!" She squeaked I couldn't respond I just chuckled.

~Time skip~

Sometime later (Y/N) falls asleep, snuggling on my arm. I tried to get up, but only for (Y/N) to wake up and look up at me. "Don't go..." She says whining in a groggy tone. "Do you want me to stay until you fall sleep?" I asked in a soft voice "mhm" she nods "fine..." I say sitting down once again.

She lays her head on my shoulder again, this time wrapping her arms around my chest. "Dont ever leave me" she says falling asleep I just decide there's no way I could get up, so I just was going to sleep too. I pull her into a hug and cuddle up to her. "Sweet dreams..." I say before falling asleep.

Sorry for the short chapters I know I've been putting so many like short chapters I just I wanted to make the story of little bit longer but it's just kind of hard with school and family and everything going on... But I hope you liked it... The end will be coming soon it's only going to be 15 chapter because I just really need to change this up real quick I'm losing my inspiration. But if I do get everything back to normal I guess you could say. I will come back and edit some of my stories make the chapters longer and etc... And with that I read on my readers!

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