new begining

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~Toby's POV~

Why didn't (Y/N) kill me? That question ran through my head. I brushed it off, I walked into the forest to the river. I sat on the edge with my feet in the water. I pondered on what I was going to do? Who am I now??? Where will I go??? My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of tree branches being moved.

I look to wear the sound had came from... To see him standing there...

Slenderman... Tall, perfect suit, white as snow, featureless... he and I made a deal... I will become one of his proxies but I would decide if I would kill a person (random) or even wanted to go out killing... If I said I don't want to kill a certain Person they wouldn't go near them. My new life will begin... And I sure will make my time left worth it... As far as     (Y/N) she'll be fine... I know it, I know her... Our paths will meet in this life... Or another...

Slenderman teleporters us back to the mansion... I was nervous, but also excited. Not sure what to do, out of habit I started twitching uncontrollably. He open the front door and what he had inside surprise me.

It was like a normal, large, family... People were casually talking and ignoring us.. People not looking in our direction help me calm down little... I turned around and weakly smiled at slenderman as if trying to say thanks. He simply nodded but it looked as if he was trying to smile, if you had a face.

Suddenly I felt the hairs on the back of my neck tingle... My body seemed to move on it's own , I took out my hatchet and blocked my head. Then I heard a clank noise... I turned around and looked at the ground and see a knife. I looked up and see a boy with pale skin, dark circles around his eyes, he had no eyelids, and he had a smile carved into his face.

"How did you??????" The guy said not finishing his sentence. Then two more people ran up to me. One wearing a yellow hoodie, his face was covered with a black mask, the details of a smile and eyes are painted on with neon red. The other had on what looked like an orange turtleneck, he also have a mask and it was white, but the details of the mask looked more feminine. The boy in the yellow hoodie started to speak "I'm hoodie... And that's masky..." He says pointing at the guy in the white female mask... "the guy who threw the knife at you... thats  Jeff... He's a butt so I suggest keeping a distance..." He says laughing.

"So you're the new guy?" Masky said eyeing me, I don't know how to the mask... "You are going to share a room with EJ" Slenderman said pointing at a guy in the kitchen eating a kidney. "Ok..." I say putting my hatchet up.

~Time skip months~

Me and EJ had become close... We were now best friend... Me and (Y/N) haven't bumped into each other yet... I'm still curious as to where she is or how she's doing. But you EJ had made me forget all about her. We usually prank everyone in the mansion or steal some of Ben's games. Masky and goodie get on my nerves but it doesn't bother me that much  because I can just go killing now...

-okay okay I just want this part but some people will get lazy.... & I am one of those people! Well then read all my readers and have a good day or  night or whatever time it is where you live- watch the video the bellow... this is cool-ish  I guess....

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