VIII - I'm sorry....

Start from the beginning

almost a year and a half passed and it was time for my sister and Will Turner, future brother-in-law's wedding.. unfortunately, it stormed and some officers was arresting him. "what's going on here?" Father and I arrive at the scene and saw Sir Beckett "Governor Weatherby Swann, Young beautiful Maria Swann, it's been too long." Beckett greets "Cutler Beckett?" "it's Lord now, actually.." "Lord or now, you have no reason and no authority to arrest this man." Father defends Will "in fact, I do. Mr. Mercer? The warrant for the arrest of one William Turner." a man in black came with some documents and Beckett gave it to father. "this warrant is for Elizabeth Swann." father states "Is it? that's annoying... Arrest her." Beckett orders "what-- On what charges?!" Elizabeth asks but as ignored "Aha. Here's the one for William Turner. And I have another one for Mr. James Norrington." Beckett says ad my eyes widen in surprise. "Is he present?" Beckett asks and my face darkens. My sister then demands once again of the charges. "James resigned his commission several months ago.." I say and Beckett turns towards me with a smirk present on his face "Pity.. I heard the news of the engagement.. to have left such a beautiful fiancee alone is foolish of him.. but not the answer I was looking for." he frowns "Lord Beckett! In the category of questions not answered.." William starts "We are jurisdiction of the King's governor of Port Royal, and you will tell us what we are being charge with!" Elizabeth states and demands "The charge is "conspiring to set free" a man convicted of crimes against the Crown and Empire "and condemned to death, for which the..."" father stops as his face falls as he continues to read but not speak a word. "For which the punishment, regrettably, is also death.. Perhaps you remember a certain pirate by the name Jack Sparrow." Elizabeth and William then chorused "Captain Jack Sparrow." "yes.. I though you might.. throw them behind bars." Beckett orders and father could do nothing.. "ah, not you. young miss Swann.. I wish to speak with you for a while." Beckett stops me "what is it that you want from me, Lord Beckett?" I ask "I have a few things to discuss with you.. over tea perhaps?" he offers and I accept. we enter 'his' office and ordered Mercer to prepare tea. "so, tell me.. any particular idea.. a reason to which Mr. Norrington is missing?" he asks "He told me nothing.. the day he proposed to me was the time he left without saying a word nor bidding farewell. Perhaps... it was my fault." I confess and Beckett seemed interested "oh? do tell.." "James wanted the pirate dead, while I held a heart for the pirate as he had saved my sister's life, not once nor twice, but thrice.. I simply couldn't let it happen.. he risked his life for my sister's .. to spare his life even for a short amount of time would be enough reward.. I never thought James would get into this much trouble.. and he did it for me.. so, why aren't I charged?" I ask and he sighs "clearly because you weren't directly involved.." "but it was I, who damned James to crimes he didn't even want to do.. I forced him upon doing this.. should I be somewhat directly involve in this?" I protest and Beckett smiles in muse "you wish to be thrown behind bars?" "if that is the consequences of my actions, then yes.. I cannot let James suffer my crime." determined, I say, which made Beckett frown "shall we forget about Mr. Norrington? how about you become my wife instead? I'll grant pardon to both your sister and future brother-in-law." he says "I'm promised to James.. and James alone holds my heart.. no one else.. If I were to betray him, then I would rather die.." I nearly spat venom at him "how fierce.. even for a woman with a lady-like structure and personality, you have the kind of fire in your eyes that I like in a woman." he says and I can't help but feel disgust. "If this is all you're going to speak about, Lord Beckett, then I will be heading off.." I start to get up but then came face to face with a blade. "Sir Mercer, I would appreciate it if you put the sword away.." I say but Mr. Mercer had no intention of doing as I ask "you will remain here, Maria. until we finish our discussion." Beckett spoke "there's hardly anything I would like to discuss with you, Lord Beckett.. I'm promised to James and to James I will answer.. but, if I hear anything about you, threatening or even thinking of killing him... I will.." I pause for a moment. "You will, what, young lady?" Mr. Mercer's blade came closer to my face, so I lift my skirt slightly to kick the sword from his hands, then spun before landing a kick on Mercer's rib cage, making him stumble back. I caught the sword and point it at Beckett.. "you will taste death as did my foes when they cross swords with me.." I warn " would a lady, such as yourself, been able to learn such moves?" he questions "I'm no pirate, if that's what you're thinking.. simply from books.. then comes experience.. but, this is merely the 3rd time I've touched a sword.. and my first to threaten.." I say and Beckett seemed amused "how about...a bargain? instead of your hand in marriage, you will lend me your services when ask.. and I will pardon you sister, future 'in-law', and Mr. Norrington?" he asks and as tempting as that sounds, I knew that I could not trust him. "I only answer to James.. now if you'll excuse me.." I walked away, but not before throwing the sword at Mercer, merely missing him by a few inches..

Culter Beckett POV
"That woman is smart.. I know I would never accept a bargain from someone like myself.. Mr. Mercer, tell the guards to bring Mr. Turner to me. then, I would kindly ask you to look for information regarding Mr. Norrington.." I order "Yes, sir.."Mercer exits as ordered and let me to thinking .. 'she's too smart for her own good.. and after witnessing her skills, she can be of future use.. with her heart set on Mr. Norrington, I can control her with him.. her father is also a befitting pawn, but I doubt that she'll let him off his sight after today..' I smirk to myself as I start to form my plan..

The painter paints the details of the mural of the world map, when a guard brings Mr. Turner in. "Lord Beckett. The prisoner as ordered, sir." "Those won't be necessary." I motioned to the manacles as I pour some liquor. "The East India Trading Company is in need of your services. We wish for you to act as our agent in a business transaction with out mutual friend; Captain Sparrow." I offer him a glass and he declines. "more acquaintances than friends. How do you know him?" "We've had dealing in the past. And we've each left out mark... on the other." "What mark did he leave on you?" he questions but I ignored "By your efforts and another, Jack Sparrow was set free... I would like you to go to him, and recover a certain property in his possession." "Recover. at the point of a sword?" "a bargain." I went around the desk and opens the wooden box. "Letters of Marque. You will offer what amounts to full pardon. Jack will be free, a privateer in the employ of England." "somehow I doubt Jack will consider employment the same as being free." "Freedom. Jack Sparrow is a dying breed. The world is shrinking, the blank pages of the map filled in. Jack must find his place in the new world, or perish. Not unlike you, Mr. Turner. you, your fiancee and sister-in-law face the hangman's noose." "What does the young miss have to do with any of this?!" he exclaims "as we spoke earlier, she confessed to have manipulated Mr. Norrington to setting Jack free and is willingly going to face her consequences.." "what..?" he seems rather confused "she will be facing the same faith as she claims to be the master mind of the escape." I see hesitation in his eyes ", you get both Jack.. and The Black Pearl ?" I raise a brow "The Black Pearl?" "The property you want that he possess." he clarifies "a ship? hardly. the item in question's considerably smaller far more valuable. Something Sparrow keeps on his person at all times.. A compass." I saw his reaction "So, you know it.. bring back that compass, and I'll give full pardon to you and your fiancee." I bargain "...and what of Miss Maria?" "I have something else in mind for her.. seeing that she doesn't know of our... acquaintance.." there was hesitation in his eyes but, also determination.. "If I bring you Jack and the Compass, you'll let them go?" I roll my eyes "fine. so, do we have a deal?" I extend my hand for him to shake, and he accepts. I smirk as he makes way. "like a dog.. I throw a bone and say fetch, and you go get it."

Maria Swann POV
I sat at the beach to see if I can come in contact with Calypso and ask her more about me and whatever power I hold... but each time, I fail.. 'touch the waters...' was all I could hear.. after what happened last time I did, I never came in contact with the sea water.. but now, it seems to be the only way.. not wanting to leave the shade of my parasol, I took my shoes off and slowly made way to the waters, lifting my skirt to prevent it from getting soaked as much. I close my eyes and images of James at the waters flashed in my mind.. stormy weather.. large waves.. him, in a long boat, trying his best to maneuver at the raging waters.. but then an even larger wave came and smacked against him, sending him to the deep waters.. having had enough, I snapped my eyes open and stepped away from the waters. "James..." I whisper in a sob but I know he's alive and I believe that he is.. he promised me.. he's going to come back to me.. he will return..  

Promises (Pirates of the Caribbean/James Norrington Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now