Chapter 1

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Well, life can suck right, we all know it can, well I don't know your life, but I can say that mine definitely isn't, well great, or good for that matter. But who cares really, lets get of with the goddamn story shall we?

I live in Boston, in a small ratty apartment, in a small ratty neighborhood, next to a small ratty train station.

In that ratty old apartment I live with my alcoholic mother, who abuses every goddamn drug under the goddamn sun. Too many god-damns? Well goddammit, I'm sorry, I'll try to contain myself.

At the latest hours of the night, or the earliest hours of the morning, she would bust the door open, all hopped up on who knows what, and collapse on the couch, with some dude. Normally when she is home, I lock myself in my room, its the only safe place I have, the only place she won't go. Only once she is passed out or asleep, (which is quite often) will I venture out.

You might be thinking, 'Wow you must hate your room!' But actually, it's the only place that I can be happy, so no I don't hate it. It's plain and simple.

It has a nice little bed, (a very messy one at that) a desk, where I sit for hours on end and do my homework, there is a small dresser where I keep the small amount of clothes that I have. It also has a window that faces the tracks. Most of my time is spent in my room, duh. Some days my mother won't be home when I get back from school, other days, she is lounging on the couch, beer in hand, some foul smelling cigarette on an ashtray.

If I'm lucky, when I finish my homework, she will be sleeping, and that's when I sneak out.

If I leave my room while she's still awake, I have a good chance of returning to my room bruised and shaking.

I remember once, it was all quiet so I figured she was asleep, so I quietly opened my door, and walked into the "family room." When I saw her sitting on the couch I froze. As quietly and quickly as I could I tried to turn around, but her cold hand was already firmly clamped around my arm.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" she glared at me, I could smell the alcohol on her breath. Her grip tightened when I didn't answer as quickly as she wanted me to.

"I asked you a question and you better give me an answer or so help me..." she trailed off, her eyes were red and glassy.

"I was just going for a walk," I looked her right in the eye.

"You LIAR!" she screamed and yanked my arm as she drug me into the center of the room.

"You are gonna run away, you can't stand me," she slurred, "I know you hate me."

"I don't hate you, and I wasn't lying, I just want to go for a walk." She narrowed her eyes, and glared at me for a second before speaking again.

"How stupid do you think I am? My mistakes always make me suffer, why is that," she seemed to be talking more to herself than to me.

"I was just-" she cut me off by slapping me with the back of her free hand, my cheek burned, and my eyes began to water.

"How dare you talk back to me, you worthless animal!" she released my arm, and I just stood there for a moment, unsure of what exactly to do.

"What are you still doing here," she placed her foot on my back and shoved me as hard as she could. I tried to keep myself up, but I fell, and I fell hard. My head hit the ground, and it all went numb.

So, if that woman (AKA my Mother) is still out there, I just stay in my room. The only other place I feel safe is at school.

School is one of my only escapes, no one hits me, no one yells at me, no body even notices me, it's great. It's not all hopeless, I do have one friend, but I don't tell her anything about my personal life.

Her name is Sarah, and she is the only person who speaks to me. (not including my Mother)

"C'mon! Move your ass kid! You don't want to miss school," she mocked, "but you can drop out for all I care! I just want you out of this house!"

"OK Mom, I get it, but can you please not call me kid, I have a name you know,"

She rolled her eyes and threw my backpack out the door, "You think I care, just get the hell out of my house!" I walked out the door and picked up my backpack, and my mother slammed the door behind me. I stood, and listened to it echo through the empty halls.

It was chilly as I walked to the train station, to keep warm, I pulled up my hood, and stuffed my hands into my pockets.

The station was empty as usual, and I walked alone onto the platform. It was a 15 minute train ride, then a short walk to school.

"Hey Sammy! Did you have you have a rough morning?" Sarah asked sincerely smiling as we walked to out first class.

"Uh, no, it was normal, why?" technically, I wasn't lying, but I wan't telling the truth either.

"I don't know, you're my friend, and you look kinda down," her soft blue eyes searched for mine in my hood.

"Thanks for worrying, but I'm fine," I lied.


When I got home my Mother was on the couch with some guy, they didn't seem to notice me as I quickly shuffled through the living room. It was difficult to concentrate with their drunken slurrs drifting through the walls, but like always, I managed.

The man was there all day, and all night, eew. So for the whole day, and all night, I just sat in my room.

The next morning was Saturday, and I woke up extra early so I could leave without my Mother noticing. Her bedroom door was closed, and all was quiet. I quietly went to the kitchen and looked for some food. The only thing in the fridge was beer, and month-old take out. I found one toaster pastry in the cupboard, stuffed it in my pocket and walked out into the living room, and out into the hall.

As I walked to the train station, I noticed it was unusually packed, I wondered where all these rich girls could be off to on a Saturday morning. Not having anything better to do, I followed them.

The train ride was longer than usual, and at this stop I have never heard of, all the girls got out, so I followed them. As I left the station, following the group, I looked around, everything was so clean, and nice, where the hell was I?

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