I stared at her, hating the fact that she was right, but shook my head. “Well, I want to go and see him. Fred” I turned to look at him “fancy going out tomorrow?”

“Sure” he grinned “I need a break from cleaning.”

“If you two want to join then you’re welcome to” I told Hermione and Ron “if not then don’t bother trying to stop me.”

Hermione sighed and stood up. “You do what you want to do but I’m not coming; I’m going to help Mrs Weasley clear up.”

“Me too” Ron stood too “sorry Lil but you’re in this one alone.”

I watched the two walk out and shut the door behind them before joining Fred on my bed. “You know” Fred said as he pulled me into his lap “she’s right. Dumbledore is the best and he’ll get Harry sorted.”

“I know” I sighed “I’m not going to meddle, I just want to see him. I’ll send an owl later and tell him we’re coming…” I looked at him “that is if you still want to come with me.”

“I’m not going to let you walk through Muggle London alone” he chuckled “we’ll get the Knight Bus.”

I turned around in his lap so that I was facing him and grinned “you really are amazing.” I told him sincerely before fiddling with the hem of his shirt and saying “Fred, I honestly don’t know where I’d be if I didn’t have you. I mean,” I sighed in embarrassment “with all of this craziness going on…what with dad and Malfoy…I reckon I’d locked up in Saint Mungo’s or something.”

“Lil” I couldn’t look him in the eye; I was nervous at what he was about to tell me. Fred was great when it came to this kind of thing but I wasn’t and it made me feel uncomfortable at the fact that someone was making me feel like this. “All the craziness is what makes you who you are and you cope with it really well. I mean, I know that not everyone has the background that you have…or the family for that matter…but that’s what I really love about you; you’re beyond ordinary.”

“I want to be ordinary” I grumbled.

“Ordinary is so over rated” Fred smiled “ordinary is boring and you, Lilliana Snape, are most definitely not boring and even if you were ordinary…I guess I could adapt.” He winked at me playfully before finishing with “I care about you and the day that you go into Saint Mungo’s is the day that Muggles find Hogwarts.”

Fred slept in my room that night; it wasn’t intentional, we just both fell asleep, but luckily we’d planned to get up before everyone else to get out of the house unnoticed and unquestioned which, surprisingly, we managed. We stepped into the cool August morning air and breathed in. It was nice being out of the dusty house; I hadn’t even realised just how much I missed breathing in fresh air, it wasn’t something that I’d really noticed.

“We should walk a bit so that we don’t get the bus from right outside.” Fred told me as he clasped my hand and lead us forward.

“Why?” I frowned.

“We have to keep this place a secret, don’t we?” He replied “catching a bus from right outside isn’t exactly stealthy.”

Lilliana Snape (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now