Chapter 4 - Cover Up

Start from the beginning

I swallowed hard. Even though I was beyond suspicious, I agreed. I really didn't need to be pushing Scott's buttons at the moment. I need him just as much as he needs me. We have to work together if we're going to figure this out.

"Scott," said Stiles. He pointed to a sign on the wall that read Morgue

"You two stay here and keep watch, I'll be right back." said Scott. He peered around the abandoned hallway before sneaking into the room. Personally I was glad he was going in alone. Dead bodies give me the creeps. 

I joined Stiles on the bench against the wall. "So, why are you here?" he asked me.

I'd almost completely forgotten about my hand. It didn't hurt anymore. "Oh right, I cut myself making dinner so my dad brought me in. But I'm fine."

Stiles was analyzing my hands. "You have blood on your shirt, but not even a scratch,"

Oh no. This definitely did not look good on my part. I couldn't have anyone figuring out my little secret. Mostly because I don't even understand it yet myself. I know one thing and one thing only; it all leads back to that night.

I was about to stutter out a lie when I overheard a conversation. The two people then made themselves visible to Stiles and me. I was never happier to see Jackson and Lydia.

"Do you want to be a little high school amateur? Or do you want to" asked Lydia, pulling him in for a seductive kiss.

Lydia stomped away from her boyfriend. "Hey, Lydia," said Stiles awkwardly as she walked by. She completely ignored his feeble attempts at conversation. She takes way too much for granted in my opinion. One day she will fall from her graces and have nothing left to show for her years in the light. She will be alone and struggling. And only one person will understand enough to actually care. Because I know what it's like to fall and have no one there to catch you.

Jackson shot Stiles and me a glare before stalking off after Lydia. I think Jackson is more alone than he realizes. I mean, he has friends and everything but that's all a show. He doesn't have anyone he can really talk to, that he can tell the truth to. I would feel bad for him but I'm in the same boat. Only difference is I don't even have a show to mask my loneliness. 

I snickered when I realized what the pamphlet was that Stiles was reading. If he really wanted to know about menstruation he could've just asked. 

Suddenly it was ripped from his hands as Scott appeared in front of us, causing Stiles to jump. "It's the same. The scent matches."

"Are you sure?" asked Stiles.

"Yes," answered Scott, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"So he did bury the other half of the body on his property," Stiles added with a sigh.

"Which means we have proof he killed the girl!"

Scott was almost too enthused about this revelation. It made me second guess his intentions. Derek had ordered him not to play tomorrow, but if Derek isn't in the picture Scott is free to do what he wants without threat. 

"I say we use it," said Stiles, standing up and beginning to walk off. I quickly followed.

"How?" Scott and I chorused. We glanced at each other for a moment before I looked to my feet.

"Tell me something first," said Stiles, pointing a finger. "Are you doing this to stop Derek or because he won't let you play in the game?"

Huh, turns out Stiles and I had the same suspicions. I guess it was somewhat obvious. Scott has been non-stop ranting about not being able to play. 

Chasing the Moon (A Stiles Stilinski/Teen Wolf FanFiction) [1]Where stories live. Discover now