"Don't worry, whatever caused your negative mood is positively blocked. You have some mental walls that I don't bother to penetrate," he assured me, but it didn't do the job. Ignoring him, I turned to the hallway I hadn't noticed before and went past the kitchen and to the end.

The door led me to what looked like a community college bathroom. I suppose not everything in here can be top of the line, and that gave me some sense of comfort. Inside the shower, there were assortments of scented shampoos and soaps. I grabbed one at random and found that it was a nice woodsy smell. Perfect for being in the middle of them.

As I lather and rinsed, I went through my cycle of thoughts that have been occurring for the past 24 hours and couldn't find any new answers. It was extremely unsettling, but I had to deal. Firing questions right away to Gloria just didn't seem like a good idea.

It dawned me that just yesterday I had been having a regular day, flirting with my crush and worrying about school and the play. And now I have a feeling that those things will all be unimportant after these two weeks.

I ran my fingers through my wet hair once more and turned the shower off. Exiting, I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my wet torso, and then draped another one around my shoulders.

There was a long mirror across a wall with several sinks. I stood in front of one and examined my reflection in the mirror.

I felt different. My insides felt wrong, my brain mucky, my body tingly. Yet when I looked in the mirror, nothing was out of the ordinary - except my hair, of course.

Like I normally do at home, I looked across my chin and jawline for any sign of facial hair. Most guys would want it, but the red hue of my hair would not look good on my chin. I guarantee.

"New meat!"

I jumped, my towel nearly falling and exposing myself. I turned with blood in my cheeks and a mortified look on my face. A girl with dark curly hair in a ponytail and wearing a blue tight fitting suit I recognized well. She was tan, and had dark chocolate brown eyes.

"Wh-who are you?" I asked, wrapping the towel tighter against my body.

"Nora," she answered with a smirk. "I take it you are Collin?"

I only nodded, not trusting to open my mouth. I may be as straight as a circle, but this girl was undeniably gorgeous. Her pink lips were full as they stay pulled in her smirk, and her body was entirely fit and sculpted, perfect for the skin suit.

"So, what do you do?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Pardon?"

Nora rolled her eyes, and with a snap of her fingers, fire lit her finger tips. I gaped at her hands, impressed. I watched as the fire danced and made its intricate shapes, until she snuffed it out.

"Now show me yours," she ordered. I suppose it was meant to be encouraging.

"I can't do it here," I explained, "not if you don't want to be electrocuted."

"Ah, I see," she said with a grin. "Well, I'll be excited to see that, eventually."

"Eventually," I agreed, though not sure why.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to shower."

With that, she began pulling down the zipper in the front of the suit, and I took that as my cue to bolt. I almost forgot I was pretty much completely naked when I ran into Crew as well, who had been making something in a blender.

"Sorry!" I exclaimed, turning scarlet. He grinned, looking me up head to toe. I ignored him and ran back to my room to find my clothes, when I remembered I brought them into the bathroom. I let out a groan.

Superhero, Superqueerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें