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Recap since I haven't updated in forever xxx

 In a split second, the safety was clicked off and the gun was raised. The woman had one customer in a head lock, holding the gun to the temple of the man.

"No one move!" The woman shouted. Something seemed odd. It was making my neck prickle.

The worker stood petrified by the other customer with the same expression.

"I want twenty grand on the counter. Now," the woman ordered. When the worker didn't move, she pressed the gun harder against the man's head, making him whimper.

I figured that the woman hadn't spotted me yet. The worker jumped into action, getting money from the counter.

I crept behind the woman, holding my finger up to my lips. The worker's eyes flashed to me, acknowledging my presence. He kept moving, not wanting to draw attention to me.

In one quick motion, I disarmed the woman from behind and pinned her to the ground. Flipping her over, I held my arm against her neck and kicked the gun far away.

"Get off," the person struggled to say. I let my arm up slightly, not wanting to choke them to death.

"Give me a reason I shouldn't snap your neck," I growled. The girl gulped.

"Friends, family," she gasped. "Girlfriend."

Something struck me, making me rip off the woman's mask. I could hear my own disbelief in my voice.



"H-how do you know my name?" she stuttered.

"Not important. We're getting out of here," I said, pulling her up to her feet. I held her tightly as we walked out the store, giving a salute to the store worker.

Once we made it about two blocks away, I turned into an alley shoved her harshly against the wall, causing her to grunt. I didn't like being rough with her since I knew her personally, but when you break the law, you break the law. Case closed.

"You have a minute to explain yourself. Go."

Carmen's terror was captured on her face perfectly. Lips trembling, eyes wide, rigged breathing, and a cold sweat looking at the verge of being exposed.

"Th-they told m-me t-to do it," she chattered, as if it were -20 degrees outside. "They said they would kill her, and him, and him too..."

"Who are they?" I asked. "And who are they trying to kill?"

"I don't know!" She screamed. Tears started leaking out of her eyes.

"Shush, you're going to draw attention to us," I said quietly. "But I need to know who they are."

She wouldn't meet my eyes, or at least the eye-protective wear covering them. She looked exhausted and mentally pained.

"I don't remember," she mumbled. "It's like, their voices are echoing in my head like they shouted in the Grand Canyon. But I never physically heard anyone. And, oh god, when they threatened to kill the others, they didn't mention anybody. The images of them being... being..."

"You don't have to tell me what you saw happen to them," I said softly.

"Anyways," she started, "they never said they were going to kill my girlfriend or her friend, or my brother either specifically, but the images of each of them dying showed up when they said..."

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