Safety First

421 31 6

Bit of a recap guys XX
I wondered what happened with Crew's parents. If he knew them, if they saw one another a lot, if he liked them, etc.. With the bond between Crew and Gloria, it seemed that his parents weren't around a lot if they were at all. Maybe they dumped him here and left. I felt for the guy, if that was the case.

I then wondered how many more superheroes were actually here at this facility. Crew said there were more, but just how many? Are they permanent residents, like Crew? Do they come and go as they please? How old are they?

Too many questions that I couldn't find the answer to. Asking wouldn't necessarily be a problem I don't think, but I'm sure Crew doesn't want to be bombarded with questions. That, and there was still one question that I don't think he would be able to answer, one that was dawning my mind for longer than any of these questions were.

How do my parents - my biological parents - play a role in where I am today? And now that I know more about the history of the facility - where do they stand? Why am I with my adoptive parents instead of here, with Crew?

I knew this question would be harder to get an answer to. For this, I'd have to cooperate with the scientists and whatever they have planned.
Hardest of all, I have to confront Gloria.


The boy across from me looked at me with total admiration. While laying in the grass together, we relaxed and enjoyed what seemed to be a perfect spring day. The sun hit him perfectly, which I somehow just knew, because his features were changing it seemed right before my eyes. One moment I thought his hair to be pale blonde, but the next it was brown. His skin was dark and then pale as can be.

His hand grabbed mine and they lay intertwined in the grass. The moment felt as intimate as a kiss.
Then, the scene of the endless field, bright sun, and beautiful boy transfiguration to something darker. A storm was violently whipping me in every direction as I stood at what seemed to be the top of a city skyscraper. It was nighttime and nobody else could be seen.

That is, until the screams came. To my left, I heard the screams of my family - Mom, Dad, and Valentina. They were barely hanging on at the edge of the building, linked together like chains; my dad at the top, my mom next, and finally Valentina.

I rushed to their aid, or at least tried. I heard another scream that I knew was familiar too, coming from the other direction. I turned to rush over and help the other person as well, but I heard my mom scream, "Collin! Don't leave us!"

"Collin!" called the other person, who I then recognized as field boy somehow in the dark and thickness of the storm. I looked between those who I knew I loved dearly. It was evident that everyone was just barely hanging on the edge, seconds away from slipping.
"You can only pick one."


I bolted up from my bed. Beads of sweat dripped down my spine. The ominous voice echoed in my head.

I've never had a dream that felt like an omen, grim, or some sort of premonition of the future, yet here I sit, still shaken from the dream.

While I needed the sleep (the day had been more draining that even the toughest of soccer matches), the dream left me flustered and worse off. My mood began to decline as I got up and felt my body groan in protest. Ignoring it, I grabbed some clothes and walked out, looking for the bathroom. Did Crew show me?

"No, they're down the hall past the kitchen," he answered from the couch, making me jump.

"You know, it's a real invasion of privacy when you do that," I grumbled.

He shrugged, throwing popcorn in his mouth and failing to catch a single piece. "Not my fault, you seem to be easily read when you're agitated."

I immediately tensed and ignored any thought of the dream. It seemed to be that he noticed what I was doing.

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