Chapter 1

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I grew up a bitter child. Engulfed by poverty for most of my life, I came to conclude that money was the real happiness. I suppose that is why I spent most of my adolescence daydreaming about the stacks of cash that would soon bring joy to my life.

Due to my horrid obsession, I was often found with my nose in a book. For living in the land of opportunity came with a price. One cannot simply become rich overnight, it took hard work. That is why I, myself came to value education greatly. I knew that with education I could pull myself out of the empty, penniless hole I was in.

My plan was to work hard, get a scholarship into a wonderful college and get a great job. Afterwards I would work. A smile would form across my face as I saw my bank account growing continuously. It was a beautiful dream. Too bad things did not go as planned and I blame the curse.

You see I came up with this theory that I was cursed the moment I was conceived. My father neglected me the moment he found out my mother was pregnant. My mother died while giving birth to me. Their love was sinful and since I was a product, I was the curse.

I never met my father nor do I have any desire to meet him. My mother is a whole different story. You see I don't look at her as a mother, I look to her as an angel. For I am very religious and I thank my grandmother for this. Every time I struggle in life, I pray to my mother and God and things always seem to turn out alright.

I grew up with my grandparents. My grandmother was a maid at the Parker's Residence. The Parker's had two daughters both around my age. They were spoiled, ignorant, arrogant little brats. Their fundamental ideas included believing the world revolved around them and white supremacy. For they were always discriminant against I for not being like them.

I was not pale nor was I dark, I was in the middle, but I leaned more to the pale side. I could easily pass as an english descendant. I had light brown hair and blue eyes. In fact many people who later on got to know me believed I was full American until they heard me speak Spanish.

My grandmother claims my father was an American and that is where I got my features from. My mother was a sun-kissed, hazel-eyed, dark haired woman but she was aesthetic in many ways.

For a while it seemed that my luck had turned from bad to good. During high school I got excellent grades and made great friends. I had just two friends, both planned to attend college like me. During senior year we all went our separate ways.

I grew up in the San Joaquin Valley in California. It's a quite unique place where agriculture thrives greatly. My grandfather was a field worker and at the mere age of twelve he would make me work alongside him all summer. I saved the money I made every summer. I choose not to spend a dime. That is why at the end of my high school years I had just enough capital to attend Princeton University and move to New Jersey.

I studied financing and the stock market for two years before I met the man of riches. This man of riches is what I call the devil in disguise. You see he has these beautiful crystal blue eyes and golden blonde hair. His skin is perfectly clear like diamonds. His body looks as if it were sculpted by God himself. Little did I know that it was God's adversary that created him with just one purpose; to destroy me.

I blame him for my burdens but as much as I claim to hate him, I do admit to have loved him at least once in my life. Out of the many times he caused me immense pain, he once gave me good pain. The physical pain of labor. He gave me a beautiful little boy who we called James. A year later I gave birth to another child. A beautiful baby girl who I named Victoria, after my heavenly mother.

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