Chapter 63

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We ended up bringing Skylar to my dads and meeting Norman at a bar with his girlfriend. Andy was already drunk after three drinks within the first 15 minutes of being there, meanwhile I barely my first drink.

"Can you put two more vodka and orange juices on my tab." Andy said looking over at me and smiling.

"Andy I'm barely done my first." I said and he chuckled and handed me another.

"It's okay." He whispered in my ear over the loud music and kissed my cheek. I wasn't even 21 yet but Andy still some how always got my drinks with out anyone caring.


"Please don't complain. Have fun tonight." He said cutting me off annoyed.

"I know that, I just hate that you've been drinking so much." I said.

"Im sorry." He said and cupped my cheek and rubbed his thumb across it making me smile.

"There it is!" He chuckled and so did I. He grabbed my ass and I jumped and hit him playfully.

"Andy!" I yelped and he laughed.

"You guys having fun?" Norman asked holding his girlfriends, Sams, waist and I nodded.

"Yeah just talking." He said looking over at me.

"You two are so perfect together." Sam said and Andy and I both smiled at each other and he grabbed my hand.

"Thank you." He said and I blushed. Norman got distracted by something and Sam followed behind him back into the crowd.

"Follow me." He said taking my hand, he barely let me set my drink down before walking through the crowd and he brought me outside the bathrooms.

"What are you doing?" I chuckled and so did he.

"I want to kiss you-so bad." He said before pinning me up against the wall and clashing his lips to mine. He tasted like vodka and he moaned. I chuckled and pulled away from him.

"That's how I know you're drunk." I said.

"What?" He smirked.

"You moaned before I did." I chuckled and so did he before clashing his lips back to mine.

"Get a room." I heard Norman say walking pass us and we both laughed but didn't stop kissing each other.

"We already did that earlier." Andy mumbled and waved him away focusing on my lips. He pulled away and we both smiled at each other.

"That's all I wanted to do." He chuckled and so did I.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." He said and I grabbed his hand.

"Let's go dance." I yelled over the loud music and we ran out to the dance floor beside Norman and Sam as I grinded against Andy and he held my waist.

"This one is dedicated to Andy and Jasmine, the semi newly weds." The DJ said over the mic and we looked at each other in confusion.

"Who did this?" I asked and Norman put a hand on Andys shoulder.

"I did it for you two." He said and the music slowed down as the lights dimmed and Andy pulled me into him and held my hand as we slow danced.

"I cannot believe he did this." Andy chuckled quietly and so did I.

"This is a club and he just made it something completely different." I said and he chuckled and held my waist as he looked down at me.

"He knows what we've been going through." He said.

"I figured you told him." I said and he nodded and kissed me and everyone awed standing around us.

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