Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and ready for the day. I happily decided to skip school today it might take me hours to figure out what his aura means and why it is like that. Going down stairs to get my breakfast was the first thing on my mind this morning. Sitting at the counter with my bowl of caption crunch cereal I start thinking about Mr. Ramirez. The way he speaks, his face and body, also about what he said last night about knowing that I was intrigued by him, yes that was the case but not with his body or face but his aura. Those other parts of him are just an added bonus. Finishing my cereal I wash the bowl and spoon, and but then up to dry. Heading back up stairs to my room I hear my cell phone going off. Looking at the screen I see its Toby calling.

"Yes Toby?"

"Where are you Athena?"

"I'm skipping today?"


"I don't feel up to school today!"

"Ok well call me if you need anything Athena!"

"Will do Toby Thanks Bye"

With that I ended the call to go to the book store that is an hour away called the Magic Place. It was a rundown book store where they sold a lot of stuff about supernaturals, Wicca, and other things of that nature. This was where I had gotten my books about auras.

The drive to the book store was nice. It was a nice day for walking, the sun is shining bright and the rays just invited you to let them warm you body. Maybe I could do my research outside by the lake today. With that thought and a smile on my face I parked in front of the Magic Place and walked in. The lady greeted me with a "good morning dear." I returned the greeting and started walking down the shelves of books about auras. I found one book that look promising it was called Aura's and the strange. I pick it up and start flipping threw it to see if it would be any help. I can across a page where it talking about people with more than 3 colors in there aura. I close the book and start look for anything else that might help me. Not see anything else that would help. I took the book to the counter to purchase it. The lady asks "need help with anything else." I debated for a few seconds. "Yes, ma'am I do. I was wondering if you happen to know if it is normal for someone to have violet in there aura." She just smiles. "My dear if you are in this store I know that you believe there are other things to this world." With that answer she walks off to one of the shelf's that read supernatural's. She comes back with a book in her hand that simple reads Super's. I give her a strange look, she smiles and nods. OK well I guess I'll get both of them what can it hurt. I paid her saying thank you and leave.

Driving my way back to the house, I feel like I'm second guessing myself. Like maybe I should just get to know him the normal way. Pay no mind to the aura that is around him, but then again I was not given this gift to waste it. Yes, as crazy as this may sound I do think of my aura reading as a gift. I just started to embrace my gift a year ago. Before then I just thought if I ignored it that it would go away. It was when I walked into the book store Magic Place that I realized that it was a gift and I was not weird or abnormal because of it. It is just simply who I am. From that day on I started to study about aura and becoming aware of what it all means.

After the hour drive I'm home. I go inside and head straight up to my room. Changing into my bikini, picking up my beach bag and then adding my books to it, I heading down stairs to the kitchen I throw in a couple of snacks and drinks. I looked at the clock right before I head out the back door it's 11 o'clock so I have more than a couple of hours to start on my research about Mr. Ramirez.

Walking down the path to the lake that is in my backyard, I start going over what the women at the book store was saying about supers. There really can't be real I mean for the most part it's just to scare us. When your parents want you in the house before dark, they would tell you about the things that go bump in the night. I guess that book might hold a key to making me think differently.

I find the perfect spot part sun part shade. I worked the blanket out of my bag and spread it over the ground. Taking out the 3 books I have with me and the paper with his aura colors, I guess after last night I would have to add violet to the list as well. The first book I open is called reading the colors. It tells me what each color means. With that in mind I start my work, writing down the meaning of the colors.

Yellow: intelligence, easy going

Murky pink: dishonest nature

Deep red: survival oriented

Orange: a-lot of energy and stamina

Orange red: confidence

Red: attracts or repels

Bright lemon yellow: fear of losing control

Black: past life hurt, Draws or pulls energy to it and transforms it

Violet: magical

After that was done I put the book back into my bag and moved on to the Supernatural book. Taking a snack and water out of the bag I just stared at the book while I finished eating. Opening the book and starting to read it. I found out the werewolves believed in what they called a shaman. Which is a person that has healing power and able to read aura's, but the only way they could read aura's was with a really strong drink that enhanced their ability to do so. Flipping throw the pages of the book, when something jump off the page at me. I started reading from the top. It was about a shaman. He decided one day that he was going to drink their enhancing drink to see what happened threw out the day. He was able to match up werewolves to their mates and the earth glowed. While still on the drink he went in to the forest to see about the animals, what types of aura's they had. He came across this man with a bitter smell to him with an aura out of this world. After looking at the man for some time, he bared his teeth at the shaman. The shaman had see the long pointed teeth and knew right then that the man was a vampire. Looked up at the sky, this book had to be full of bull shit there is nothing real about this, Vampire, werewolves, and shaman. But even with that on my brain I flipped threw more of the book. There was a section on witches that I skipped right over. Finally come to the vampire section on the book. There were only a couple of pages on them. It was mostly saying they lived off of human blood, silver hurts them, stakes kill them, all the normal things you think about when it comes to vampires. But the next page was different. It stated that vampires could come out in the sun but it weakens them, they can eat human food but has no nutritional value to it what so ever. They were still human but just kept alive threw magic, and they don't age.

I but the book back into my bag, with all this information running threw my head I could not think. I got up and packed my stuff and headed back to the house. Noticing that the clock read 3, I look around to see if anything needs to be done. Cloths were they only thing that I had to do before work, with that I got started. I took my shower and got my uniform on for work and head out.

Work was normal as always, but Mr. Ramirez did not stop by. Which I'm glad for, I don't think I'm ready to see him yet with all the information I had studied today. My brain was working in over drive trying to think about this logically. Vampires are not real. But I'm real I can read peoples aura's! Most people think that's not real. My brain was really starting to hurt from all the thinking I was doing. Those colors of his aura what is up with those! The one thing that scares me the most is the black that I seen. It's supposed to mean past life hurt draws or pulls energy to it and transforms it. What am I suppose to think about that? Maybe that is how he has the violet color. He uses some type of energy and transforms it into magic. I don't know I need to stop thinking about this. With over thinking this whole thing I had already cleaned and closed the diner.

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