chapter 9

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"The walls of Moria!" Gimli breathed. Awe filled his voice and showed across his face at the view of the vast mountain in front of us. A chill swept over me as we made our way around a dark, still lake and stopped in front of a section of the wall. The clouds covered the moon and stars, casting a veil of darkness over our little group. I didn't like the looks of the lake beside us. An evil darkness was seeping from it. What was once probably a beautiful lake, was now something that held only death. Everything surrounding it was dead and dull. It was as if the very life had been sucked out of the earth. The moon broke through the clouds, shining down on us with a silver light.

I turned and watched as Gandalf placed his hand along the cliff wall. Silvery blue light started running down a small portion of the wall, forming what looked like the outline of an arched door with two trees intertwining the columns. Seven stars arched over a crown above a hammer and anvil. Three Elven runes were on the door. One in the left top corner, one in the right top corner, and one in the bottom middle. One large star sat in between the two trees, directly in the middle of the door.

" mirrors only starlight and moonlight." The lines grew bolder and clearer as the moon rose higher in the sky. It was now clear that the arch was interlacing ancient letters and runes. "It reads, 'The door of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter'."

"What do you suppose that means?" Merry stood, transfixed by the beauty of the runes.

"It's quite simple," replied Gandalf confidently. "If you are a friend, speak the password and the doors will open." Gandalf turned towards the doors and raised his arms as he started chanting a command, "Annon edhellon, edro hi ammen!"

Everyone held their breath, but the doors stood as still as they were before. Gandalf grunted and placed the end of his staff against the doors, muttering another incantation. However, every spell and incantation resulted in the same thing. The doors stood fast. By this point, I've sat myself down with the rest of the Fellowship. Aragorn and Sam were unloading the pony, Bill, while the others sat around the lake.

"The mines are no place for a pony, even one so brave as Bill."

"Bye, Bill." Sam patted the pony sadly on the neck as Aragorn turned him back towards the safer lands.

"Go on, Bill, go on....don't worry, Sam. He knows the way home."

I couldn't help but feel sorry for Sam. He had become so close to the little pony. A loud splash jerked me towards the lake where Merry and Pippin stood, tossing small pebbles into the murky water. Before I could stand to stop them, Aragorn grabbed Merry's hand.

"Do not disturb the water." Aragorn looks at the water warily before he turns back around. Turning back to the water, I watch the ripples. Instead of stopping, the seem to grow and continue. A feeling of dread creeped over me as the darkness in the water seemed to grow.

"Do you feel it too?" Legolas sat down next to me on the boulder and stared at the water with a guarded look.

I gave a barely perceptible nod of my head, "'s as if the water is infested with a darkness. I don't like it."

"Me neither.......stay close to me. I have a bad feeling."

I gave him a confused look and nodded my agreement.

"It's a riddle!"

Frodo's voice carried over to me from where he was sitting next to Gandalf. Everyone's attention was now on the little hobbit.

"Speak 'friend' and enter!" He turned to Gandalf with excitement in his eyes. "Whats the Elvish word for friend?"

Gandalf looked surprised then turned and looked at the doors.

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