It was a few months later that she first met Ada Shelby. It was a surprisingly sunning afternoon in Birmingham, Jodie was sat in her normal spot when the young dark haired girl approached her,
"Could I join you?" She had asked her.

"Please do" Jodie had repiled as she smiled, her hand shielding her eyes from the sun as she looked up at her.

As soon as she had permission she clutched her dress in her hands pulling it up slightly as she sat down beside Jodie who kept her gaze forward as the strange girl did.

"I'm Ada Shelby" she introduced herself as she turned to her capturing Jodie's attention.

"Jodie Taylor" she said as her eyes locked with Adas green ones.
Ada held out her hand for Jodie to shake which she did a shy smile on her face.

"I haven't seen you here before" Ada questioned her curiously, tucking a stray peice of her brown hair behind her ear.

"I don't get out much" Jodie repiled nervously as her gaze dropped to the small patch of grass inbetween them where her hand was resting.

"Why is that? You're a young girl like me, I thought you had just moved here that's why I came over" she repiled letting out a small laugh as she shook her head causing Jodie to look up at her.

"No just an overprotective dad" she lied, letting out a quiet giggle of her own.

"I understand, my father isn't around but I have three older brothers" Ada had told her as she leant back on her hands.

Jodie copied her actions before asking about her brothers curiously, they spoke for most of the day before saying goodbye to return home promising to meet at the same place tomorrow afternoon, they met at the same place each day for a few months until Ada finally invited Jodie for tea.

Jodie clutched onto Adas arm in her grasp as she unlocked her front door stepping into the threshold, Jodie followed behind her finally releasing her to shut the door behind her.
Jodie turned back around her gaze catching the eyes of the two young men sitting on the sofa there heads turned 180 to face her, she shifted her gaze to the older women sitting in the armchair opposite the boys her arms resting on the arms of the chair, cigarette in hand.

"Who's this Ada?" The older looking male asked a small smile on his face as his eyes scanned her.

Ada huffed out a laugh, unbuttoning her coat as she repiled "this is Jodie, and this is Arthur, John and Polly" she introducted pointing at each one of them individually.

Arthur was the oldest brother, his hair shaved at the back and sides the top section several inches long and slicked back where he had run his hands threw it. His eyes were a dark green that almost looked brown, his gaze was almost scary as his thin lips pulled into a smile seeing her eyes on him. He was tall his frame thin but musclar, she could tell as she stared as his biceps flexed as he moved.

Jodie's attention was brought to the younger brother John as he spoke
"nice to meet you darlin'" he winked as he tilted his head smiling cheekily at her. Jodie laughed as she relaxed slightly, for some reason she felt at ease around him.

He was shorter then his older brother, his shoulders broad, his hips thin. His hair was shaved like his brothers but the top section was several inches shorter slicked back in a sort of quiff. His eyes a lighter shade of green, Jodie could see a hint of mischeif in them. Her gaze shifted to Polly taking a quick look not wanting to be caught staring. Her age did nothing to ruin her looks, her body still slim, her pale skin still flawless despite the wrinkles now gracing the skin around her eyes. Her eyes were a shimming shade of brown as they captured her gaze, she didn't dare look away.

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