Chapter 13

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"SM will make a statement about this. Kate won't go anymore but Ha Mi will." Rim said.

"I hate you!" Ha Mi said while glaring at me.

"Stop. If you didn't do anything, then you wouldn't go. But you did. So stop hating Kate because she did not really do anything." Sehun said. I smiled at him and he just pat my head.

"It's her fault. She's a flirt. She's always talking to Chanyeol and she's always beside him." Ha Mi replied.

"I didn't know that being friends with someone is actually called flirting." Sehun chuckled. Wow. I didn't know that he can be like this. He's helping me and we are not even that close.

"Ugh. Whatever." Ha Mi said, rolling her eyes then she went up. Fei looked at me and said sorry then she followed Ha Mi. I don't even know why she's apologizing though. Maybe because they are close or something? No one was talking so I decided to break the silence since I need to apologize.

"I-I'm sorry for causing such a mess." I said looking down.

"You don't need to be sorry. It wasn't your fault." Nicole said smiling at me.

"She's right. Without you, we wouldn't know that she's a sasaeng. If we didn't know it sooner, she might have done something worse right?" Suho said.

"Like stealing someone's underwear." Baekhyun said looking at D.O while trying not to laugh. But of course, he failed.

"Yah!!! You made me remember that again! I already forgot about it!" D.O said then he ran trying to catch Baekhyun.

"Wahhh!!! You can't catch me!!" They were running and laughing until D.O finally got him and hit him.

"Why D.O why?" Baekhyun said while pouting. Thank you guys for making me feel better. We were all laughing until Ha Mi went down, rolling her eyes at me and straightly went outside.

"Spell awkward" said Blaire.

"A-W-K-W-A-R-D" Chen answered and we all gave him an are-you-serious-look. "Hehe just kidding."

"Guys, I have to go with Ha Mi but I'll go back later. I will stay here with you guys so if anything goes wrong again, I will be here to help you. Bye!" Rim said before going out of the house.

"I'm hungry. Do we still have food?" Chanyeol asked.

"Of course. We saved some for you." Lay answered.

"Yay!!!!!" Chanyeol said then ran to the kitchen. I wanted to follow him but I was called by Fei.

"Umm Kate, can we talk? In private?" She asked.

"Sure" I said then followed her to the backyard.

"I'm really sorry Kate." Fei said. I gave her a confused look. Why should she say sorry? She didn't even do anything.

"I'm sorry because I knew that she didn't like you and that she was a sasaeng. I'm sorry because I didn't tell you. I'm just really scared." She explained.

"It's okay. But why are you scared?" I asked her.

"I'm scared that she would hate and leave me.I know it's weird being scared of losing someone who is a bad person but it's actually because of my past. Someone very important to me, left me for no reason. So since Ha Mi is my closest friend here, I was scared of losing her. I'm really sorry Kate." she said crying. I wiped her tears and told her it's okay.

"Fei, it's really okay. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here, okay? Remember that." I said and she nodded. "Let's go back?"

"Okay." We went back inside the house. Fei went to her room while I went to the kitchen to check if Chanyeol was there and I was correct.

"Chanyeoo-" I cut off what I was saying when I saw him glare at me. Okay, what did I do?

"Tsk, tsk. I'm disappointed with you Kate." he said.

"Why? What did I do?" I asked him.

"You didn't tell me about your problem. Why didn't you tell me about what was happening?"

"Ohhh that. Um-"  I was about to tell him why but he cut me off.

"I thought you trust me, but I guess not." 

"No! I mean, I do trust you. I'm sorry. I was about to tell you but I didn't want to be a burden. And I thought that I could solve it on my own."

"You will never be a burden to me, okay? You're like my sister already and I don't want you to get hurt. So if you have a problem next time, tell it to me okay?" Wow, I'm so happy that I met him.

"Yes dad."

"Yah! I said sister, not daughter."

"Hahaha! Yes brother."

We talked until Chanyeol finished eating. We went up to go to our rooms but before going inside my room, I remembered something.

"Umm Chanyeol?" I called him.


"Thank you, for everything. For being there for me especially with what happened."

"No problem. But you should thank Sehun more. He was the one who told me about what was happening."

"Oh really? Okay. Good night."

"Good night." Then we both went to our own rooms.

~Hi guys! Long time no update? Hahaha! Thank you for supporting this story. 1.4k reads? Wow! I'm really sorry for being a boring, and lazy author.Vote, comment, or follow me if you want to! ^_^ Anyways, did you go to Exo'luXion? I did! And it was the first ever concert that I went to! I can't believe that I saw them already!!! Feels!!!!

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