16- Part 2: We can see the clouds

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The door opened. "Hi."...
"Hey Bob, what's up?" "I just, I came to, um, I came to tell you..." "Hey, you okay?" "Yeah, I just, I came, I-I-I can't do this." She was still standing in the doorway, and he was still on the safe side away from the rain. When the door opened her brain was still debating wether or not to tell him. But apparently, seeing him made her too nervous for her brain to function properly. After she thought she looked like a complete stuttering mess, she turned around, letting a single tear fall from her eye. He knew something was wrong, that she was trying to tell him something important, she just couldn't get it out. So, like any irrational man, he grabbed his coat that was hanging on the side of the door and ran after her. She knew where her car was parked, but somehow she turned to the direction of the forest instead of her car. She found herself at the entrance of the forest near the house, on the edge of crying. She never liked feeling this weak, or feeling anything, but he managed to get it out of her without a second thought. After she was sure that she couldn't see the house, which she didn't have to go very far because of the weather, she slowed down, hopping he wouldn't find her. But of course, he already knew the surroundings pretty well and catching up to her was pretty easy. Thunder was getting louder every passing moments, hearing anything over than that electrocuting sound was hard, but somehow, his voice stood for her. "Bob, what's wrong?" "It's nothing." She answered wiping away her tear. "Hey look at me." He demanded turning her around. "Please don't." She asked weakly. "Bob, hey listen to me," He said pulling her chin up so she would look at him. "Something is wrong, you never looked like this when it was nothing, talk to me." "No, I-I can't, it's just too hard." "What, what is, come on, you can trust me." "No, it's, I, i can't, it's too hard." "Hey, listen to me, your one of the strongest person I know, nothing's too hard for the Mockingbird, right?" A laugh escaped her lips as did a tear from her eye. "Mockingbird?" "Yeah, Fitz came up with it, sounds cool and it fit's you well too." She once again laughed, half heartedly. "Listen, you don't have to say anything, but a reason why you came here at eleven p.m. would be nice." "It's nothing." The storm was raging next to them and their words were getting more and more drowned, but it was still heard by the opposite. "Come on Bob, it can't be nothing, I know you, it's something." "It's, I can't, it's just, you can't, you won't understand." "Hey, hey look at me, okay? Just tell me and I will understand it." "No, it's stupid, I'm an idiot for thinking it in the first place, for thinking that you could be the same." He put both his hands on her cheeks holding her eyes locked in his. "Hey, nothing you will ever say or even think can be stupid, at least not to me, now tell me, you know you can trust me." "No, I can't, I-I don't deserve this or even deserve to think I could have it." She said pulling away from him, walking backwards, still facing him. His worry grew with each of her words, he had never seen her this weak with any one else than her brother, and he didn't understand any of it. He had know ever since he bumped into her I the hallway that first day that he felt something different towards her than he ever did towards anyone else in his life, he just never had the guts to tell her any of it, he kept it to himself, deciding that she was too good for him, he figured a friendship was the best the was going to get. It was tearing his heart in half seeing her like this, stuttering, tears falling down her cheeks, she was even trembling, and being outside in a simple jacket when the temperature had dropped and the pouring rain their heads, he just didn't want to see her like that and he was fearing that he was causing it. "Bob, don't you ever say something like that ever again, there is nothing you are not good enough for. You can have anything you want, and don't you dare even think it her wise." "Look, if I told you, you-you-you would just think I'm crazy, or even worst, you wouldn't want to ever see me again and I couldn't live with that." "DAMN IT BOB, NOTHING YOU CAN SAY OR DO WILL EVER DRIVE ME AWAY!" He yelled over every sound trying to burry his voice. Being as reckless as he was getting, she yelled without thinking. "I THINK I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU!" He looked in her eyes for only half a second, finding that she wasn't lying. Without hesitation, he launched forward, grabbing her face between his hands and moving his lips on hers. Her surprise was evident, but she had been waiting so long for this that her head told her that wasting any second of it could be the death of her. Without more than a second after him, she kissed him back, returning every bit of passion he had given to the kiss. Her hands wrapped around his neck as she buried her hands in his short hair, pulling at it to remind her that he was actually there and that it was really happening. His hands instinctively found her waist pulling her closer, as if it was possible, almost like he was scared she would run away. But this time, she wasn't going to, neither of them would, they were there, in the moment, letting everything around them slip out of their worlds, only being aware of the person they were embracing. After there was no oxygen left in either of them, they reluctantly pulled away, keeping every part of their body's as close as possible to the other. Out of breath and smiling she asked. "What was that for?" "Because I think I'm in love with you too." "Really?" "Yeah, really." He pulled their foreheads apart, wiping away the tears that were left on her cheeks. "Why didn't you tell me before?" She asked. "Probably for the same reasons as you, I was just scared you would reject me or that I would lose you and I couldn't bare that thought." "Well, we have a lot of time to make up for." "I agree and that's why I'm never letting you out my sight again." "Good, 'cause I'm doing the same damn thing." He took both her hands in his and led the both of the towards the house with his back facing the right direction making sure their eyes never left each other. Getting out of the house took about 30 seconds, getting back in took more like five minutes, given, the weather made hard to see and the occasional stop to make out on a tree didn't help either, but eventually, they made it there. He opened the door as fast as he could being other wide occupied and wet from the rain. She closed the door behind her as he moved the two of them towards the living room. After a not so long but impatient search for the couch, the back of her legs hit it, which he quickly figured out too. Almost too eagerly, they fell backwards on it. On their way down, her back fell on the tv remote, which turned it on, at an extremly loud volume. It turned their attention towards the tv. It putted a stop to their already pretty intense make out session. "There's something that i think you need to know, before um, anything else can happen." "And now is the best time to bring it up?" "¨Probably not, but i relly think you should know." "Okay, i'm listening." She said while the two of them got into a sitting position." "It's when i was back home, i wasn't who am i now, I was someone that good people, people like you and your brother and your friends would stay as far away as possible." "What do you mean?" "I was the guy that was always there to every party, the guy would had gone through practically every girl in town, mostly treated them like trash throwing them away the next morning when the alcohol wore off. I was the type of guy that would never give any respect, basically called an ass everywhere in town. I was closed off, always and to everyone, except Simmons, she was the only one really there for me, kept me afloat for the time being. She basically pulled me through everything, including school, she's the only reason why i didn't drop out. Back then you wouldn't have liked me, you wouldn't even want to be near me." "Look you may think that i wouldn't have liked you back then and maybe you're right, maybe i wouldn't have liked you, but now, the person that you are today, i'm glad i met him, changed my life." "How could that guy change your life?" "Well one, that guy is you, and don't you ever forget it, and two, you changed me and yeah, maybe you were a bad guy over there and maybe you didn't have alot of people to trust, but here, today, you'll always have someone to trust and if any of us can help it, we won't let anything happen to you, or your sister." "I trust you, just promess me you'll never give up on me." "I promess, if you do the same." They stayed sitting on the couch, starring at their hands, playing with their fingers. "Can i tell you something?" She asked in a voice so low he could barely hear. "Yeah, sure." "When i was a kid, my parents started leaving and it messed me up really bad, at some point i even started to only talk to Fitz, he was the only one i knew that wasn't just going to take off and leave, i stopped talking to everyone, teachers, my friends, even Skye and Lincoln for a while. Eventually i started talking again, but it's just that since then I've been hard to get to know. Mostly hidding in between pushing everyone away and you know, sleeping with random guys. So yeah, i'm saying that maybe i don't know what you went through, but yeah, i get where you're coming on the no trusting thing. And there's something that i need you to promess me." "Bob, you can trust me and i'm never going to let you feel like that again." "I need you to promess me that you won't leave, i just, i honestly don't think that if anyone-you leave, i'm not gonna make it." "Hey, trust me okay, i'm not leaving you for as long as i possibly can." "Well, you're making an offly long promess here M. Vague." "I thought we talked about the nicknames thing, but since you insist, Ms. Vague." "Okay, okay fine, Hunter, i won't nickname you again." "Okay then Bobbi, no nicknames." And they both laughed. "I have to ask you something." She said. "Yeah, but don't sound so serious, it's kind of scary." "Okay. You've telling me all about your past and i know that it isn't you anymore, but i can't help but ask, am i just one of your girls?" He didn't answer for a second, which was enough to make her doubt everything. She got up from her previous location, grabbing her jacket that had apparently disapeered off her shoulders on her way to the couch. "Why, why did i trust him, i knew it, i just..." Her hand landed on the door knob as two strong arms wrapped around her waist. He spun her around, making her back hit the wall, which made her gasp in surprise. "What, you can't-you can't do..." "Look Bob, the reason i didn't answer that is because i couldn't believe you could ever ask me that." By now, one of the hands that were on her waist move from there to her cheek. "Look, i've never been friends with a girl before, much less even like one enough to even think about chasing her, but somehow with you, i'd do anything to just get your damn attention, which i might add, not that easy to do." "Well i think your doing a great job." "I know i'm a workong progress, but i hope you'll be willing to stick around to help me." He fell her nod slightly, which he took as a good sign. And without too much hesitation she closed the space between them, kissing him, saying all that needed to be said without words. He parted first. "Wait, are you..." "No don't talk, just help get lost in you-in us." All he did was nod and that's all it took. She kissed him, wrapping her legs around him. He quickly understood the gesture and carried her towards his room, which he now regretted that it was on the second floor, when he past the door, he closed it with his foot, letting everything bad behind them.

high school under different circumstancesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें