6- the school of jealousy

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Monday finally came, it was 7:30 a.m. and everyone was getting ready for school. They all arrived at school around the same time and like everyday, they separated in two groups, the boys went their way and the girls went theirs.

I waited until no one was around, then i punched Hunter in the face and said ''That was for my sister. She cried herself to sleep because of what you made her do!!'' ''What happened is that the girl kissed me, i didn't put the moves first, and mate, what the hell are you talking about, i didn't make her do anything. '' ''Oh, you don't know, well, she slept with Barton at the party. '' And with that he left in a hurry. Fitz turned around to look at me and said ''Didn't you push it a little far?''
''Maybe but i'll deal with it later.''

I couldn't believe what Lincoln had just told me, no, i wouldn't believe it. But i had to make sure, i figure my sister would of gotten wind of it from her last night, so i decided to call her.
*Phone Conversation*
-Hey sis
-Hi Hunter, what's up?
-I need to ask you something.
-Sure what is it?
-Do you know if Bobbi really did sleep with Barton the night of the party?
-I shouldn't tell you.
-So she did. I gotta go. Bye.
*End of Phone Conversation*
I hung up when i saw Romanoff at her locker, i put my phone back in my pocket and walked towards her. "Hey Romanoff." "Hey Hunter." "Remember your dating/jealous plan?" "Yeah." "I'm in." "Great." "How do we do it?" "First, take my hand, than make sure neither of them knows about the fake part of it, and lastly, make sure it's as public as possible." "Okay, Well ready to be my girlfriend, mrs Romanoff?" I said with a bow, imitating the old en times. "Always my dear sir." She responded taking my hand, with a smile plastered on her face. The next hours were filled with boring classes, but i could already hear my class mates talking about me and Romanoff, wich was a good thing. Lunch finally came around and i was in the same class as Romanoff so we walked out together, passing by our lockers, and then went to the cafeteria. We got our food and then headed for an empty table outside. Everyone soon came to join us, only Bobbi hadn't arrived yet.

I had known about this little lake out of town since i was a kid, our parents use to take us there every week. I taught it would the perfect place to ask Skye to be my girlfriend. We were all sitting at a table and i grabbed her attention. "Hey Skye, i was wondering if you would want to go swimming with me tonight. Just us." "I'd love to Lincoln." She responded with a smile plastered on her lips.

One of my teacher had asked me to stay behind a few minutes since i kind of insultes her a little, but in my defense, her shoes were awful. Anyways, i had just entered the cafeteria and spotted my friends. I was walking towards them when someone grabbed my wrist and turned me around. "Hey, i had fun last night." It was Barton, god what the hell did i do, he went on. "I was wondering if um..." "Just spit it out Barton." I said in a harsh tone. "If you wanted to be my girlfriend?" "If i say yes, will you let me go?" "Only if you give me your number too." Before i answered him, i shot a look over his shoulder, looking at Hunter, i had heard the rumors going around that he was dating Romanoff, but then i saw them holding hands. I turn my look back at the guy who was looking at me and said "I'd love to." With a fake smile spread across my face. I went to sit down with them, i actually met some interesting people, like Steve Rogers and Tony Stark and a whole lot of people, but i spent half of my time looking at Hunter, my friends and Romanoff. Thank god Barton asked me out, if i had to sit at that table with them, god only knows what i would of done. Lunch took an excrusiating long time, but finally the bell rang. As i was getting up, i felt an arm wrap around my waist, it didn't take too long to figure who's it was. Us and all of his friends walked out, i found out that Barton is actually a pretty nice guy, he even walked me to class, he was a year older, so he didn't have the same classes as me. Any girl in school would dream of dating the guy i'm holding hands with, but all i could think was about how my heart almost shattered when i saw Hunter's hand hold hers. The after noon went by pretty slow as usual, i couldn't wait to drown my soroes in ice cream.

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