13-Our moments of happiness

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"But who are all of you..."

After he let out his sentence, everyone in the room tensed up. But before any one could do anything, a couple of doctors came in, practically pushing everyone out of the room as they examined the two injured teenagers. The four friends decided to go back downstairs, where Janice was waiting for them all this time. Around 20 minutes later, a doctor came down telling the five of them that the two injured could go home, but Skye had a to use crutches for a while and that Lincoln did in fact lose his memories and there was no telling when he'd get them back. Two hours later, everyone was back at their own houses, most of them resting. The week end came soon after. Everyone decided that it would be good to try to get Lincoln's memories back. All of them were at his house, reminiscing and joking, getting close to no reaction from him. Saturday came to an end also quickly and Lincoln still didn't remember anything. Then Bobbi thought of something. ''Maybe he should go sleep at Skye's tonight?'' Everyone agreed exept Lincoln, who had apparently no say in the matter. Skye drove the both of them to her house, hopping to get a hint of her old love back. His memories had only been gone a couple days and seeing him without it being him only made her miss him even more. She drove in silence, not a comfortable one, only reaching her house minutes later. Lincoln felt a little weird approaching a new place but then again, practically everything was new to him. Following the girl in front of him, the two of them went inside the house. Closing the door behind him, he heard the girl-Skye say. ''You can go sit on the couch, i'll go grab us some food.'' When she turned around, to check on him, he was still standing there, not knowing where to go. ''The living room is down the hall."  She answered his unposed question, giving him a faint smile. He flashed her a smile back, silently thanking her as he made his way to the living room. He sat down on the couch, awkwardly enough, trying to not disturb anything. Skye came back with a bowl of popcorn and two bottles of water. Seeing how he sat on the couch, she said. "I know you may not remember, but when a human being sits on a couch, he can take more than an inch and sit comfortably enough as to not go to a kiropracter the next morning." A small laugh escaped the both of them at her comment, which relieved her, seeing as he practically hadn't smiled since leaving the hospital. She took a seat in the couch, on the other end, as to not push him. She turned to face him, but her eyes immediately fell on his, realizing he'd been already looking at her for several moments. After a little while she cleared her throat, making him realized he'd been staring at her. She said. "So i thought maybe we could watch a movie tonight?" "Um, yeah sure, what did you have in mind?" "I thought maybe Scooby-Doo: the movie?" "Scooby-Doo?" He asked. "Yeah, it's just an old tradition we use to have." She said smiling, remembering the first time they watched it. She put it on and it started playing. Nearing the end, Skye started saying the lines because she had learned them by heart long ago, after her lines, she didn't expect to hear anything else exept the tv, but then she heard a voice, saying the lines perfectly as if it had been his own words. She turned her head at the same time he did, meeting his gaze as she did. After the lines of the character he usually reprised, she said the ones that always came after them, still staring intensly into his eyes. The question may have popped in their head as how if he didn't remember anything he could say the lines, but neither said anything as they just kept on saying the lines. Both their smiles grew wider with the passing time, as they were getting closer and closer. The two characters said the same thing on the screen as repeated by the two teens, Skye barely finished the last word when Lincoln finally closed the space between them, making their lips meet in the middle. She melted into the kiss, to the familiar feeling of him, the feeling she missed so much. The kiss was slow, gentle, just like the first they ever had, a couple years ago. He pulled away slowly, with both their eyes closed. Their breaths were loud and their feelings were mixed up, but it didn't matter, at all. It took a moment before they fell out of the moment. He opened his eyes first and then he realized what he had done. He hadn't really thought before kissing her, he didn't even know what the two of them were before he lost his memories, but it had just felt so natural to kiss her at that exact moment, and he didn't even know why. The only thing he thought he could do was, "I'm sorry." "No, it's okay, it's not like i stopped you." She answered with a hint of a smile. They both pulled away and he asked. "What were we. before?" "We had been dating for a couple months, but we've been best friends since we were barely able to walk." "A couple months?" "Well, depends." "How come?" "Well, if you ask me, yes officially it's been a couple months, but if you ask Bobbi or Fitz, we've been married for the past ten years." She stated, smiling. "Fitz and Bobbi, the small scotish scientist and the tall scary blonde?" "Those are the ones, i actually remember their reaction, they were happy but Fitz said something like 'Hurt her and you're dead' and Bobbi told me 'If you hurt him, i will kill you, slowly and painfully." "Woah, so she really is scary." "Yeah, she kind of is, but she protected us from day one to now, you and her are the only reason why Fitz and i weren't bullied, well technically, Fitz was bullied a little in 8th grade, but Bobbi found out when the guy punched Fitz and he ended up with a black eye. Let's just say that the guy ended with an emergency trip to the hospital and then it became clear, you messed with Fitz and i, you mess with the Campbell-Morse siblings and let's just say that no one ever tried to even do so much as look at us wrong from then on." That made him laugh. "Good to know, and just wondering, the two with the british accents are..." Seeing he wasn't going to finish, she did it for him. "Are Simmons and Hunter." That's their names?" "No, Simmons' name is Jemma and Hunter's is Lance, it's just that they prefer their last name. They moved here around the beginning of the year and we all became friends with the two of them, they're really nice, Simmons' is basically Fitz's twin or something, it's cute, when they do science things they always end up finishing each others sentences. And Hunter, well Hunter he's like Bobbi, the two of them try to show as little feelings as possible, be as though as it gets, but when you get to know them, you find out that they would do anything for the people they love, which includes each other, they're just beings idiots when they ignore it and say they're just friends." "Okay so to recap, we've been dating for a couple of months but if you ask our friends we've been basically married, me and Bobbi stop people from bullying you and Fitz and sending them to the hospital if they do, Fitz and Simmons are basically sharing a mind and they are..." "Dating, i think." Skye said, not really clearing him up on the subject. "Okay, and Hunter and Bobbi are the same, but they're being idiots by ignoring they're in love with each other." "And now you're all caught up." She answered. They both yawned, which made her say this. "You wanna go to bed?" Even with the lost of his memories, he took the wrong way that question, giving her a weird look, saying 'What?' Quickly realizing how that sounded, she tried correcting herself. "I mean if your tired, like i am, if you wanted to fall asleep, you could do like we use to do and fall asleep in my room or if you prefer the couch or something else i can..." She was cut off by Lincoln. "Skye relax, i follow you, maybe i can even get some memories back." He said smiling, looking directly into her eyes. She smiled back, walking towards her room. When he saw her heading for her crutches, he stopped her, wrapping an arm around her waist. She looked at him questioningly. All he did was smile, which reassured her and he lead the two of them towards her room, following her directions. When they got there, she tossed him one of his shirts, and as he took it, he gave her a questioning look. "You use to come here a lot, at some point, some of your clothes just became permanent residents in my closet." The two of them chuckled at that. They changed and climbed into bed, falling asleep after only a few moments. Janice had stayed over at Fitz's with him and Simmons, thinking Lincoln would be better off if she weren't there for now. The three of them had stayed up late. Janice had been saying old stories about Simmons, kind of embarrassing ones too, which made her cheeks turn bright red when her new boyfriend heard them. The two kids fell asleep on the couch close to midnight as Janice went upstairs falling asleep not too long after. Hunter and Bobbi were at her house, not daring to go out too much, regarding his wounds. Like every night since he's been staying there, she looked over at the wound on his stomach. It was beginning to scar, and there no long time damage, though it had scared the hell out of the both of them that there would be. He was regaining strength every day, little by little. His other injuries had slowly decimated with time. He was cautious as to not rip his stitches out. After the storm, it was pretty clear that any sudden or loud movement would put him on edge, but she was careful around him. Every one that knew what happened had started walking on egg shells around him, except her, she knew how he felt, and how he probably didn't want to be treated like some kid who needed to be protected from the world, after all, she was exacly like him. He noticed how nothing in her eyes changed when she looked at him, it was the same look she gave him the day they met. After she checked on him, the two of them went to the kitchen to grab any junk food that was left in there. When everything they needed was ready, they did what they do every night. They put a movie from the late 80s and listened to it carefully on the couch. Like every night for the past couple days, for the first half of the movie, the two 'friends' would slowly be moving towards each other and at some point, they would meet in the middle, practically cuddling on the couch. And like every night, she would end up sleeping, using his shoulder as a pillow and he never had the heart to move, so he would just wait until sleep claimed him too. The first morning she woke up in his arms, she felt a little weird because she didn't know if they should be that close, but she just became used to it as it happened, again, the next morning. On Sunday morning, Lincoln shot up in bed, remembering everything. Skye was awoken by the movement. He had missed her so much, being stuck inside his own head, that he didn't waist a second before he kissed her. It was fierce, passionate, loving and everything in between. Once they were out of breath, she pulled away, they forheads still against each others, she asked, out of breath. "What was that?" "A celebration." He answered smiling. "A celebration?" She repeated questioningly. "Yeah, for remembering everything." Exited, she repeated, well technically shouted. "You remember everything!?!" "Yeah." He said while laughing and smiling. She practically jumped on him, attacking his lips with hers. They both smiled through the kiss. She pushed him back until his back hit the matress once again. She was on top of him, and he looked at her, shooting her a look asking the unsaid question. She answered. "You said we needed to celebrate, right? Well, this is me celebrating." While smiling. He smilied back and they started kissing again. Bobbi, Hunter, Fitz and Simmons all met up the next morning at a small coffee shop downtown. They caught up for a few minutes before falling into an awkward silence. A question has been lingering on the four of them, but Fitz finally asked it. "So, either of you heard from your father?" "Yeah, he's still in the hospital, but apparently, he's getting out soon." Simmons answered. The three of them nodded. The exited the place, going back to Fitz's minutes later, meeting up with Skye and Lincoln, because apparently they had some big news. After arriving at the house, the four friends saw that the two others were already there. They all sat down, anticipating the news. "Okay, so we have something to tell you guys." Started Skye. "Are you pregnant? Did you get her pregnant you idiot." Said Bobbi while she moved across the room and slapped her brother on the back of the head. Fitz interrupted. "Um, Bobbi, i think your forgetting that Lincoln has no memories." "Yeah, about that, i remember everything." He said smiling. Simmons, Fitz, Bobbi, and Hunter let out a breath of release until Bobbi spoke up. "That's great, i'm glad to have my brother back." She said hugging him. Then they parted and she asked again. "My question still stands though." "Don't worry Bobbi, you can let us both live, i'm not pregnant." "Thank god." The blonde answered back. Everyone laughed and sat up. They had a group hug, still laughing their lungs out, glad that everyone was finally there.

high school under different circumstancesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن