The sounds...

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I... I believe in that old proverb "Curiosity killed the cat." I didn't used to, but I do now. I became too curious about something. Something I really shouldn't have.

I'm a simple guy, I worked at a recording studio. I've always been fascinated by sound, of all kinds. I grew up listening to music, all kinds of music. I recorded everything new that I heard on my little tape recorder, and somewhere in my house I still have the tapes... I love sound. I love it in all of it's beauty. It is something everything has, even nothing... Though that changed.

I've heard the thought "Dream within a dream." So many times now that it might as well be ingrained in my skull. It's an overrated thing at this point, but it did encourage thought. It made me think something, something I really want to forget. It made me think... "Can a sound, make a sound?"... Oh I know what an echo is, but that isn't what I am talking about.... Can a sound, make it's own sound? It sounds stupid, but it isn't far off. There have been plenty of studies into echos, and we've even found that a ducks quack doesn't echo. There is probably still a lot we don't understand about sound.

I was working late one right, as part of the clean up crew. I stayed in my little booth, staring at the sound board, and the microphones in the sound stage... I waited until my co worker left, and then, without thinking, I turned on the sound board, and one of the microphones.  I then turned the volume for the microphone to its max... I figured I would need a small sound, something that wouldn't make too big of a commotion.. So I settled on a thumb tack.

You have no idea how many times I droped that freaking thumb tack. And every time, I recorded the sound. I stayed up all night, listening through the tracks. I messed with the volume, took out the background sounds, raised the focus, and all kinds of things I don't have the patients to write. And you know what? I found it... Sounds, make sounds... I listened so carefully... I ignored the echo, and there it was, hidden under that single echo... A sound wave, making a sound. Maybe the sound of the sound wave making contact with a wall or something, to this day I don't know what it was, but I regret hearing it.

From that point on I became obsessed, so much so that my social life all but left me. I tried testing it on other objects, and after messing with the settings a little bit, I would find the sound.

Slowly, things started to change. You know those paintings with the hidden images? The ones that once the hidden image is pointed out to you, you can never unsee it? I, couldn't unhear the sound... Eventually I realized that every little sound, made a sound, which made a sound, which made a sound. That was only yesterday. The sounds, they echo all around me. Every sound, keeps making sound, which makes a sound. The sound of the first key being hit on my key board is still vibrating in the room, along with the rest of them.

Please, what ever you do, never, ever look for something that shouldn't be found... You'll find it. I can't even hear my own breathing anymore.

This is becoming unbearable... I have a gun... I just wonder... Would that continue to ring in my ears as well? Or will it stop?

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