Chapter 6

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I wake up, sweating in my bed. I roll over and face the wall, I didn't sleep too well last night... I push of my sheets and sit on the edge; listening to the silence that fills the room. I look at the click, 6:30. I've got plenty of time before school. I get up and grab a T-shirt from my closet and slip my wings through, trying not to ruffle them. I walk to the kitchen and notice a note on the counter and it reads,

Morning, Jax.
I'm sorry I wasn't home last night, I had to stay late at work and soon left getting another phone call from work about an emergency. I'll be home later after you get out of school.
Love, Mom.

Well, I guess I'm walking to school today...

Dylan POV

I groaned in my sleep,"DYLAN!" I sighed at this then sat up from my bed with my brown hair hanging low from my ear"coming.."I muttered under a tone of exhaustion. With my hands running through my bangs, I slowly got from my bed stretching while grabbing a shirt from my closet. I put it, grabbing my jacket in the process including some skinny jeans left on my bed.'I wonder why Jax was so sweaty from last time I asked over and looked at his picture' myself made my way downstairs where my father sat. A cold glare in his eyes, "why did it take you so long"he asked a gruff tone."I didn't hear you"I slung my backpack over my shoulder then walked out with a shoved piece of toast in my mouth. Then ran to Jax's house, 'he would likely by this time be heading to school so I might as well hurry' I sped up my running and soon arrived to Jax's destination. I smirked as I saw him already walking down the sidewalk. I took the opportunity with tiny steps behind him. My arms reached to touch him as I wrapped my arms around his his arms and chest with the other hand covering his mouth"give me your money and no one gets hurt"I said with a gruff tone.


I jumped at the sound of someone's voice and when they put there hand over my mouth, I jammed my hand in their stomach and turned around. I turned to see it was Dylan, "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry I didn't know it was you". I dropped to the ground and helped her up, putting one hand around my shoulder and one around her waist. She was trying to catch her breath and all that came out was, "Nice... Reflects". I chuckled at her comment and asked, "Why did you do that?". She looked at me with a questioned face and replied, "Why would I not?". We both laughed and I let go of her, "How was your morning?", she asked dusting herself off. "Ok, my mom's still not home...".

Dylan POV

"Again? She seems to always be out and about"Jax nodded rubbing the crook of his neck. I made a very irritated sigh" geez, well I guess I will walk you there"I grabbed his hand then started my way towards the door"H-hey careful, you're pulling on my jacket"my head looked in his direction in confusion"you'll be OK noob, it's not the end of the world"I continued to pull at his sleeve as we walked down the sidewalk.'someone is watching us..but who' my thoughts were foggy at the sixth scent I had at the feel of someone stalking us or..more so Jax maybe,"H-hey slow down Dylan"from what was a speed walk turned into a jog. I didn't like the feel of this so I sped up the pace with his feet not too far behind mine which gave me a heads up he was caught up and behind me since I had let his sleeve go"Dylan what are we running from-"."just shut up OK"I snapped back at him. I wasn't trying to be rude, but I was trying to hear whatever this feel I had. Nothing though..I couldn't hear anything, but only knew someone's presence was among us both and this figure or presence liked the smell or feel of Jax."DYLAN!"oh yea, forgot he was yelling for me to slow down. I took his hand and I shed him into an alleyway. A tight alleyway at best. And by tight I mean we were literally on top of each other"what is going-"I covered his mouth."you hear anything "his expression went stiff" what are you talking about? I don't hear anything-"."that melody melody! It's freaking following us and I don't know why!"I barked. Now he really thought I was crazy. I pressed him up against the wall with my arm beside his side and the other on his mouth still. I couldn't understand if I was going delusional or actually hearing something..he blushed at how close my figure stood from his face. Yet I didn't care, at least not at the moment. The right hand to his side brushed his back,' the heck is that?' his arm moved over my hand keeping me from reaching any farther back.'gotta be see something there I brown chocolate orbs took its gaze to Jax's green "I want you to stay here for a moment, I need to see what that is"he nodded with a ' OK' mutter. My hand slid down his chest then took myself from the alleyway. I searched, left. Nothing, right maybe? Nothing again. Whatever I heard was gone now. But there was something that made me shudder at the Melody that echoed in my mind."i've heard that song but where.."I groaned to myself"huh?"I turned. Face to face with a calm expressions Jax"I said to stay there"I scolded"well I was concerned"my heart skipped a leap."concerned? Of me?"i laughed at this to myself " are an idiot"I stated."so what was going on with you huh? Dejavu?" He questioned I sighed with a blank expression"i-i umm" I couldn't just explain this to him..could I?"I felt something.. Not causing us, but mainly you.. I dunno if I was going crazy but I just had this weird feel and then, I heard this song I heard when younger about war-"I clutched the side of my arm looking down"but, don't worry anything of it"i turned to his curious figure again"it keeps following you..somewhere"I could feel his body tense from this. He was hiding something but I rather not get involved since I have my own problems.."we are gonna be late"he finally said"yea umm let's go"I started walking again glancing at his back here and there 'you found the boy didn't you?"asked a dull tone in my head 'maybe, but even so I can't just do anything yet..he may be useful useful' I said mentally back. 'I don't care what you do Dylan..that boy has got to be one and has what we want..don't let your emotions get the best of you, I want him alive and nothing else' I looked down 'but..what if he doesn't even have it? What was that force falling us?' I snapped back. the voice was quiet for a moment 'I don't know for sure..but that doesn't matter, if he is alone like this enough you can have an opportunity to capture him without delays and I know master doesn't want delays' 'but i-' "Dylan you ok?" I jumped at the sound of Jax's voice. He stared at me with worried eyes"you keep shaking, it's pretty warm out ya know?"he asked. I chuckled at how"yea, I know just laughing at how scared you were"in teased "hey!" He laughed back"well we are here, I will see you in history "he ran off with a tiny wave. I waved back,b-but not as positive as his ' you're scared aren't you?' Continued the voice. I growled at this annoying voice inside my head 'first off, don't use telepathy when I am about to go to school, and two..I will, I know father relays on me getting the angel tablets and that will be done..I will capture him ok!' I snapped at the voice. It only chuckled, 'you better Dylan.. Because once we rule and the last angel is killed..I'm sure you'll be able to start over and see him again..but maybe as a demon' I sighed to myself with slow steps up the school stairs to the door. The voice was gone now..but not my feelings for Jax and mission I was told to do. I knew he was a angel when I pushed my knife behind him..but I had to keep that to myself before he got too frisky around me and I wouldn't want that. I slowly began walking to my class clutching the inside of my sleeve" I don't wanna do this to him..but I have to if I wanna save my parents"I mumbled under a soft breath i'll just have to do as told..and keep him unsure of what he's coming up against.." unopened the door to my class 'I guess I'll have to capture him and destroy him myself..'

Sorry it to so long for and update and I know this pretty long... Hope you guys like it! Another update soon!

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2016 ⏰

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