Chapter 5

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It was awkward for the both of us but she was the one who suggested to walk me in. "This is my room", I introduced with a large hand gesture and throwing what stuff I had in that hand to the ground. "It's tight but I could get use to it", she looked around my room ending her search to a picture frame on my desk. She leaned over to grab it, taking in all she could. "Nice family, Mom and Dad, only child..." She paused noticing something behind everyone in the picture. "What's that?", she pointed to the wings, the back of my neck started to sweat and I had to think of something quick. "We were at a church and we all dressed up as angels", shaking as the words trickle out of my mouth. "Cool, well I guess I better get going...", she stands up and grabs her books and walks out, I started heading to the door with her. I open the door for her and wish her a "Goodbye" and left.

A few hours later I start thinking about what Dylan mentioned in the picture. In the picture was my mom, dad and I; they weren't my now parents they were my Angel parents. I haven't really looked at the picture in forever and forgot what they looked like. I hopped out of my bed and grabbed the picture and gazed at how young I was then. I remember that day like it was yesterday, the day before Crowley found us and he killed my mom and dad. My aunt or 'step mom' found an Angel blade and stabbed him, he vanished and we haven't heard anything about him until May when he found my step mom. We didn't move from that house, and after that we had to move. I still remember where the scars were. Tears fell on the frame like the beginning of storm and wiped them when I was crying. I looked at the clock on the wall above the door, 9:45. My mom still isn't home, she must be working late or really, really bad traffic. I decide to just sleep on what happened all today and hope it would of worrying where my mom is and remembering my angel parents. "Good night, Jaxson"...

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