"Don't make me cry." Waverly squeezed his muscular shoulders. "I love you."

"I love you too." He kissed her once last time before waving goodbye and catching to with the boys.

Waverly say Delilah hugging Louis, she wasn't sure if Louis could see just how badly Delilah was going to miss him. Delilah squeezed Louis tight and he gave her a kiss. Waverly read their lips as they exchanged I love you's. Louis quickly kissed her still flat belly, that barely poked out at all.

Delilah waved to him as he blew her a kiss. Waverly walked over and sat down next to her.

"You okay?" She asked, rubbing her shoulder.

"Yeah, I mean we both knew they had to leave. It's his job, anyway we both gotta start school soon." Delilah sniffed.

Waverly and Delilah had started a small online college, it allowed you to take a few chorses and choose your major.

Waverly still wasn't sure what she wanted to do. Delilah had decided to do performing arts. Such as plays, dance, writing and singing. She had always did a hint of everything.

"Yepp, there gonna let us start taking regular classes, we haven't missed that much since we have been doing it on the internet." Waverly said, she was so happy to be going back to school, she could finally finish her education.

"LAST CALL, FLIGHT 304" The intercom lady yelled again.

"Come on, let's watch them take off!" Delilah got up and running the q. Some crew men were pushing the stairs away from the door, and the engine started turning.

The plane flew down the speedway, taking flight and getting air.

"Bye Niall..." Waverly thought. "Let's go home, I have something to do." Waverly laughed. She was going to carpool with Delilah.

"Alright, can we go get some coconut macoroons though?"

"You hate coconut!" Waverly said, giving her best friend a look.

"Well, I don't know I just want some." Delilah whined. She let a laugh slip out.

"Okay, whatever." Waverly laughed, heading towards Delilahs car. They drove home, after Delilah bought herself a bag of macaroons. Eating the entire bag.

She dropped Waverly off at her house. Waving goodbye. "Hey, I'll come over tommorrow night, we can eat some take-out and watch a movie."

"Can it be Titanic?" Waverly asked.

"I am so sick of that movie, yeah we can watch Titanic, but I'm bring The Notebook." Delilah said.

"We're gonna cry so much." Waverly wiped her forehead dramatically.

Delilah laughed, "Bye, see you later!" She sped off to her own home.

Waverly unlocked her door, she needed to meet Ed in thirty minutes at the Coffee Shop. She didn't primp, she combed her hair, and put her black beanie on. She wrapped her self in a huge black coat, and pink scarf. It covered the top of her face. She put on her large sunglasses.

She walked down the street towards the little plaza near her hotels, no need to waste her gas. She walked into the cozy shop and took a seat on the couch in the corner. A nice looking young man came over.

"Can I get you anything today ma'am?"

"Yes, thank you, I'd like a chocolate Mocha, with extra whip cream, and the chocolate syrup."

"Got it!" He wrote down her order.

Waverly waited around, she never saw Ed come in. She check the clock, she was here a little early.

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