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Do you ever think about what insomnia actually means ? Yes,I get the non.sleepin thing,but what exactly causes insomnia ?
Our thoughts,concernes,guilt,love ,disease? I think I found my answer...but what happends when I am in this world ,in which insomnia means that u can't sleep because u did smth's like a punishment. U can't sleep because u did smth bad and u are supposed to stay awake and think about what happend. Yes ,this is my community..we call ourselves Omnis. It's a cult..a community of people who doesn't believe in mistakes...if u do one though,the board ( formed from our leader,the priest and the sacred woman) will make u smth and they'll keep u awake for a few days (depends on ur punishment). In those days I heard that u feel only pain,that u have nightmares with eyes wade open,that they give u no food or water.Horrible !But I am only 17 so until i'm 18 if I do smth they are not allowed to take me in the 'basement' .Enough about them.
I am Amy,a 17 years old highschool girl that has a crappy life,like all teenagers I guess..only mine is different...I grew up in a house with my aunt,my parents were both punished because...I really don't know why but anyway,they're still in the basement or dead...I haven't heard from them in like 9 years. They left when i was 8 so...I kinda remember them,but my aunt is the one who was there for me.
My aunt's name is Angel. Funny ,huh ? She works at the bank. She is kind of pretty with her long black hair and the green eyes like spring leafs,that intense green. But she never found a men that could take her heart..she is very pretentious...
How do I look ? Well , I'm tall,with long black and red ombre hair , my eyes ? Undefined :-) I have black eyes in the winter,brown in the spring or fall,and brown to a yellow color in the summer. The rest of our description u will found on the way.

-Amy !! Come to eat breakfast !* My aunt screaming ,like she does every morning :-))*
-Coming in a sec !
-I said now ! I got to hurry ! And I can't drive u to school if u'll be late ..
-That's ok ,I will walk then.. so goo ! Don't be late !
-Are u sure ,Amy?
-Yeah,go now ! Goo !

Ok,so I got to walk to school. I really hate that ,but I didn't want for my aunt to be late ,again..It's not that big of a deal to walk to school but,what I hate is the fact that u encounter so many morons on the Tyler Harrison and his army of *cool guys*(Andrew and Jack), captain of basketball team and in his free time ,an artist ( painting,singing) . He is like a multi-talent. He walks to school because he lives like one street from it..So whenever I meet with this guy ,he doesn't want to let me be in peace..

Andrew-Hey Amy,wanna come to my place after school ?
- Yeah of course ,only to beat the crap out of u ! Won't u guys please stop this ?
Ty- Why ? U are so funny ,we wanna talk to u more ! Or seeing u ! Ha ha !
-Ok guys . I'm not forced to listen to any of u ,idiots ! Just back of ,ok ?
Andrew- Jesus ! What a bitch ! Let's go ,she's just no worth of our time .
Amy - Fuck u guys !

Omg ! I can't believe I said that ! I must really run now.. I hope no one heard me.. we are not allowed to swear ..

I was entering the art class,and I saw Jo ,my very best friend.
Jo- How are u ?
-Now that Ty and his guy let me alone, ok..but they made me swear Jo ! U now what can happen if someone hears u..
Jo- Omg ! They're just some idiots ,who think that they are the time please call me when u need a ride..
- Yup ! Got it !:-)

Jo is the *male *in my group.That perfect guy : handsome( brown hair,green eyes,tall) ,smart and funny..Oh ,I almost forgot and he talks really nice with girls . We kissed at some point but no fireworks ,so we're in the friendzone..I like him..but only as friends..we are better like this.
My other best friends is Em,my blondie,my everyrhing :-)) . She is sooo smart,I mean really smart..pretty too. I like her curles...naturally blond curves ,with her big brown eyes..and her smile..
We are the three ...I don't know..the three friends . We did everything together since childhood..

To continue with my day,everything went normal . Until I got home and my aunt was already there with some gorgeous guy. He was like my age,hot,very hot. Who is this ?! Let me ask .

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jun 11, 2015 ⏰

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Insomnia.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum