Chapter 2- Finding Out The Truth, & Escaping

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Thomas's POV

Aris and I dropped down from the vent, in front of the door he showed me the other night. We used the pass, and entered and when we did, I was surly shocked buy what I saw, and so was he. At first, it was just Griever babies in tanks, then it was something more shocking. It was hundreds, maybe even thousands of human kids, hanging above the ground, connected to machines.

I thought I seen Teresa but it was someone else, but Aris knew her. Apparently her name was Rachel. He then started to tell me how they took her the first night and how he told her it was going to be okay. I could tell by the look on his face that he cared for her.

I was going to say something, but I heard a beep, and saw the door was starting to open. I then pushed him, telling him to hide, as I quickly hid behind a column. It was Janson with a other man. He then stopped in the hallway, till a hologram of Dr Ave Paige, the one who put us in the maze, appeared and they started to talk.

When they finished talking, they left. When I'm sure they were a safe distance, Aris and I quickly made our way back to the others. When I got there, I told them we have to go, and all they did was ask what I was talking about.

"It's WICKED!" I yelled, tired of them not listening to what I'm saying. "It's still WICKED. It's alway been WICKED." I finished, as I was rushing around the room.

Everyone was standing quietly in shock, just following me with their heads, but eventually Newt stopped and asked me what I seen, and I told him. By the time I finished explaining, we all hurried into the vent.

Newt's POV

Thomas was leading us threw the vents, till we reached a hall way. The kid, Aris said he'd catch up, that he had something important to do, so Winston went with him. When they went back into the vent, we started to move. Minho then asked if we could trust him, and Thomas replied with a you don't want to know where we'd be without him.

But as we turned the corner, we ran into that doctor that was checking the girls when we first arrived. She asked us what we were doing, till an alarm went off, giving her the answer. We looked at each other, then back at her. She then started to run, and we went after her.

When we got her, we forced her to take us to the girls, and so she did. On our way there, a man started to shoot at us. We started to run back, but Minho stopped. He was probably so determined to get the girls back, he let out a battle cry and when the man who was firing at us, came around the corner, Minho slammed into him, nocking the man out.

"Shit Minho." I said, surprised that he could even do that.

We then started to run again, but this time we had a gun. It took a while, but we eventually did. When we got there, Thomas aimed the gun at the doctors in the room and started yelling.

"Where are they!!!" He yelled over and over.

He then looked at the curtain, and handed Minho, who was standing next to him, the gun and ran over to the curtain. Minho yelled at them, telling them to get down, while I head Thomas say Teresa's name. As I was tying the doctors hands, I head Teresa asked what was going on, and then Frypan say we need to go, that their coming.

Aris's POV

We got what we needed and were on our way to the door, that led to the exit. But on our way, the dude who came with me, Winston, stopped and kept saying a name.

"Taylor!" He said.

"Winston, come on we have to go!" I said.

"No, we can't leave with out her." He replied as he started to open the vent, and jumped down.

Of course I followed him, but while he went to wake her up, I went to see if anyone was coming. I heard him say the girls name, as he shook her, trying to wake her up.

"Winston??" She questioned. "Winston!!" She cried, as she jumped up and hugged him. "What going on? Where's Thomas? Who is he?" She asked, one she seen me.

"I'll explain later, but we need to go, this place, it's WICKED." Winton replied.

After that the girl jumped out of the bed, and we all made our way back into the vent. We managed to get to the other side, and seen that the others hadn't past the other side yet. So, we opened it.

"Hey guys." I said, once they looked at me, and the door opened.

The others ran over, but Thomas wasn't running yet. And then the girl ran in and pulled Thomas's arm and dragged him. As the door was closing on them, we cried out. As the door nearly got to the bottom, they slid and only just got out. The others then helped them, while I destroyed the switch that opens the doors.

Minho's POV

As everyone was just standing there, for a moment, I went up to Taylor and hugged her. We hugged for a while till we all started to run again, but before we did, we seen supply bags, so Taylor and I grabbed them, and then we started running. We ran all the way to the main exit door, with no disruptions. When we got to the door, Thomas pulled a leaver, and the door started to open. When it was wide enough to run threw, we all started to run.

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