Brock's Class

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Avia's POV: 

Today I was going to Brock's school to talk to his class about having cancer like he requested right after I got sick and before he got sick. We had scheduled it originally for a few weeks ago, but had to cancel because Brock got sick. Saying that today is going to be a long day would be an understatement. Being that I was going to the elementary meant that I had to wake up about ten minutes earlier. What people don't realize is that when your a kid waking up for school ten minutes of extra sleep was a huge deal, hell even sometimes five minutes could make a large difference. 

As of now I was really starting to feel the side effects of my chemo treatment, my bones hurt, I was tired all the time and worst of all my hair was gone. It was back to the land of baseball hats and beanies for me. The worst part is people can tell when I have the beanie on that I am sick, I hate being pitied. I could barley go out and public with my family with out somebody giving their condolences to my parents about Brock and I. I know that the people thought they were making us feel better, but they weren't. When we weren't at the hospital the last thing any of us wanted to think about was cancer, and doing things like going out to dinner or to a movie was like an escape for us and people just didn't understand. Probably cause they weren't in our situation. 

I finally got myself out of bed and started getting ready for the day. I pulled on a pair of jean shorts and a happiness is a choice Trixin shirt which was released in March. I then went over to my wall of hats, I never thought growing up that I'd have a wall of hats. I picked off one of the floral print one's and headed upstairs to eat breakfast. I was meet by Mom making breakfast for us, ever since I got bronchitis and ended up in the hospital things have gotten better. Mom has started seeing a therapist and is now there for us when we need her, and with this change Brock finally stopped sleeping in my room. I mean don't get me wrong I love him, but once me moved out I got the best sleep that I had had in weeks. She had made us eggs for breakfast I smiled and thanked her as I took my place at the counter where my eggs and my unfortunate cup of pills with chocolate milk was waiting for me. 

After breakfast it was off to school with Emmi and Brock, Dad usually drove both of them because Mom had him. She was concerned that Brock would get sick from being on the bus, although it's not like school was any safer. When we reached the school Emmi and Brock went to their respective classes and I went to the main office to pick up my visitors pass, I was only in the school two years ago and I still need to wear a visitors pass. Once I picked up the pass and talked with office ladies and the nurse, who I had become very close with during my time here because I was always leaving early and stuff, it was off to Brock's class room. When I walked in Brock ran up to me and pulled me toward his friends. 

"Guys this my sister Avia! She's super cool! She plays power rangers with me? And does all these other fun things with me! And she helps me when I'm sick!" Brock said introducing me

"Hi Brock's friends!" I said waving to the small circle of five and six year old's that has gathered around me. 

After Brock introduced me to a few more people I went up to the teacher and talked about what I was allowed to talk to them about and what I wasn't. Cancer was as a touchy subject and I didn't want to misinform these kids, scare them, upset them or something bad that would traumatize them. The teacher explained me what she had told the class when they found out Brock was sick, she wanted me to explain it in further detail in way that they would understand. I asked her if I could show them some of the vlogs, I knew that kids learned better through visuals anyway. She agreed and went to set up her computer. 

I spent the next five minutes trying to figure out what to say, as the kids took their place on the rug and got ready for me to speak. 

"Hi guys, I'm Brock's sister Avia." I said introducing myself to the kids who didn't know who I was "And I'm here to talk to you about Brock and I and how were both sick. Brock and I both have this sickness called cancer, and don't worry you can't catch it by touching him or playing with him. Brock's sickness affects his bones where as mine affects my blood. The medicine we get to help cure our sickness is given to us through something called a port. Brock do you wanna come up here and show them your port?" 

Brock ran up excitedly and lifted up his shirt while I pointed out the slight buldge sticking out of his chest and what it did. 

"So does anybody have any questions so far?" I asked 

A little girl with brown hair and straight cut bangs like I used to have hand's shot up. I pointed at her signifying for her to ask the question. 

"Does having the needle in your chest hurt?" she questioned 

"No, not really. The doctors or nurses usually put a special cream on it before hand so it doesn't hurt that bad when the put it in." I explained 

"Ohh okay." she said seeming satisfied with my answer 

For the next half hour or so I talked to the kids about mine and Brock's journey and how our lives were. I explained to them why sometimes Brock had a hospital mask on, why he would miss school, why it looked weird when he ran. The kids surprisingly stayed pretty calm for the length of my talk, I mean I don't think I could have sat still for that long. I mingled around with Brock and some of his friends until their lunch time when Dad was picking me up to bring me back to my school. To be honest I would have much rather stayed in Kindergarten all day, I didn't feel like actually doing school functions today. 

Once I left Dad took me out for lunch and ended up letting me skip school. Neither of us saw point in me going by the time I finished lunch, plus like I said the effects of the chemo were starting to take it's toll on my body and I was tired and wanted to go home and take a nap. 

Later that day when I woke up from a nap I saw Brock laying next to me on the couch, he was Power Rangers and had a Trixin hat on. He had recently had his head shaved and he had never worn a hat so far, he was confident being bald. More confident then I was then when I first got sick, more confident then I was now and I gave him a lot of credit for that. It's hard facing the world bald sometimes, you leave yourself open for people judge. Plus it's cold. As the evening went on I saw that Brock wasn't his usual happy self. That night he went to bed early, which he never did. I went in to see if something was up. My first thought was he was sick and we really didn't need another kid to end up sick in the hospital right now. 

"He buddy what's up?" I asked sitting next to him on his bed 

"Do you think I'm weird?" he asked looking up at me 

"No of course not! Why would I think your weird?" I asked starting to get concerned 

"Because some new kid called me weird because I don't have any hair!" he said starting to cry 

"Ohh Brock!" I said pulling him into a hug 

"Avia?" Brock questioned still crying into my chest 

"Yeah buddy." I asked rubbing his back 

"You'll also be here for me right? Ya know when I'm sick or am upset or need somebody to play with." he asked innocently 

"Of course, your my little brother and your not getting rid of me that easily. I'll always be here for you Brocky. 

"Promise?" he sniffled 

"Promise." We sat like that for a little while longer until he finally calmed down. "Do you wanna sleep in my room tonight?" I asked

He nodded his head up and down in response. I picked him up of his bed and carried him down to my room and laying him on mine. I quickly put on my pajamas, brushed my teeth and climbed next to him. 

"I love you Avia!" he said rolling over and giving me a hug 

"I love you too Brock, I love you too." I said kissing his forehead which he laid on my chest as he feel asleep. 

I spent a little while thinking about what he had endured today and how he felt about his new found baldness. I remembered the protection and comfort Gavin had provided me when I got sick and still does today. I made it my new mission to do the same for Brock. 

AN: Alright what do you guys think? I decided to take a break from writing the really dramatic chapters and make things happy for a while. So these next few chapters I have in mind probably won't crush your souls like some of the more recent ones have. Also Second Chance at Life will be updated tomorrow so keep an eye out for that. Enjoy! Bye!

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