Telling the School, Port Surgery and Pain

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Shay's POV:

I was rudely awakened from my sleep by the ringing of my alarm on my phone, Colette and I hadn't got much sleep last night because we'd been talking about Avia for most of it. I let Colette continue to sleep, while I woke up the kids for school. I had to get Brock and Emmi up first because the elementary school started before the middle school. I went down the hall to wear Brock and Daxton slept to see if either of them were up, sometimes Brock was up before I came to wake him up and Daxton just happened to be an early riser. I walked in and saw Brock getting dressed and Daxton still happened to be asleep, Daxton was 3 and didn't need to go anywhere and asked Brock what he wanted for breakfast. He told me not to worry and that he could get it himself, I was slightly worried what this meant but I shrugged it off giving him some independence. Next it was to the downstairs to wake up Emmi and Gavin, who would walk Emmi and Brock down to the bus stop for us.

"Emmi wake up, you've got school today and you have to take a shower." I said lightly shaking her.

"Tell Avia she can go first." she said groaning and rolling over. In the mornings when they had to shower they usually would switch off because who ever went second usually got more sleep.

"Emmi, Avia isn't going to school because she has to have her port surgery. Remember? So your the only one that has to shower." I said beginning to leave. I then said my famous final words in the waking up the children battle which were "If you're not up in 5 minutes then I'm coming in with a bucket full of cold water." and they knew I wasn't kidding when I talked about the bucket. I waited outside of the door and finally I heard a groan and heard Emmi get out of bed.

I peered my head into Gavin's room and saw that he was already up and dressed, but he looked like he slept at all last night and his face was red.

"Hey Gav, are you okay?" I asked walking in

"Yeah I'm fine, I just didn't sleep well that's all." he said rubbing his eyes and yawning

"I'm presuming yesterday's news kept you up all night?" I said down next to him on his bed

"Yeah, it's just so hard to believe that she has to go through all of this again, I mean hasn't she suffered enough." he said hanging his lead low

"I know it's not fair that she has to go through with it again, but she's a fighter. She'll beat this I have faith." I said confidently although I wasn't sure if I was trying to convince myself or him

"I know, I believe in her too." he said walking out of the room and going upstairs to eat breakfast

"Ohh hey Gavin after you put Emmi and Brock on the bus come back home, I'm going to drive you to school today." I said following him

"Why?" he asked turning around to look at me

"Because I have to go and talk to the school after about her relapse but your mom's asleep and so is Dax and Avia so I have to wait for you to go to school before I can go and talk to them. Also for the sake of convenience." I said

"Ohh okay." he replied

Upon arriving in the kitchen I saw that Colette had woken up, the kitchen wasn't burned down or messed up and Brock had successfully made his own breakfast, which in retrospect was cereal. But we were proud of him none the less.

"Morning babe." I said walking over and kissing Colette on the cheek, she was finishing making the kids' lunches.

"Umm morning." she said tiredly "Avia's up, she requested that while your at her school that you pick up her school work that she's missing so that way she'll be prepared for Monday. If she is healthy enough to go." Avia was our only child that actually enjoyed school and she hated missing it. So if there was an opportunity for us to get her her school work, we did.

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