"This way."

I fell into step behind him, stuffing my hands in my pockets. We were lucky it was April, otherwise I wouldn't be able to keep warm with just the shirt I had on. On the right there was a stone like structure, small and old. 

"What is that?" I asked.

"It's an old church. Most people in Legri attend there still."

"This place...it's really old," I spoke as a cat darted across our path. "Where is the house?"

Monticello pointed towards a dwelling on an outcropping of a hill. "There."

I couldn't really make it out between the trees that lined the front of it, but it looked standard size. I was happy we wouldn't have to stay on the run for the time being.

"You never told me why this side of your family doesn't fancy you."

Monticello hesitated before answering, leading us up a winding hill. "It's complicated."

"Complicated, or you don't want to tell me?"


I let the matter drop. "What's our plan if they don't let us stay with them?"

Monticello ducked under a branch, holding it over my head as I passed. "Then we'll make another plan. I'm sure that my aunt Elenora will convince them otherwise."

"You have an aunt?"

"She's not actually my blood relative. She was a close friend of my father's."

My mouth formed an "O". "Who else is there?"

We stepped out onto another curving path, this one leading directly to the house on the hill. "Elenora's son and his wife Rigina also live there."

"Are they vampires too?"


I nodded my head nervously, habitually running my fingers over the bandages on my face. It didn't hurt, but the memory of the she-vampire standing over me like that was frightening.

"When we arrive, I don't want you to say anything to Rigina or her husband about who you are or who your family is unless I say otherwise, alright?"

His words struck a chord of fear in the pit of my stomach. "Why? Are they...are they enemies of my family?"

Monticello looked like he concentrated his thoughts carefully before he spoke. "Not necessarily. They wouldn't shun or try to kill you. However, Rigina and Luca may be cold to you."

He changed direction, stepping up onto a stone path that lead to the front door. The house was simple in appearance. The roof was flat, with rustic, overlapping slabs. Out front was a few oversized pots of dying flowers and two cats. As we approached the door, Monticello knocked lightly. I stole a glance to the cats that were eyeing me carefully. I had assumed that since they were a part of the Medici family that they would be better off. But this home was as standard as it got.

Inside, there was a sound of approaching footsteps and then the door swung open. It was a woman, dressed in what looked to be gardening clothes. Her sleek black hair was pulled away into a elastic, revealing a somewhat youthful face and dark skin. She paused as she stared at Monticello, dark brown eyes coldly roaming over his face.

"Cosa diavolo stai facendo qua?"

Monticello grimaced. "Buon pomeriggio, Rigina."

Rigina gawked, her hands tightening around the long shirt she was wearing. She turned her head over her shoulder. "Mamma! Vieni qui!"

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