I took a long deep breathe and thought of it for a while. I looked at him deeply in his eyes. This Asian guy looks innocent anyway, he could be safe. There's a posibilty that he wouldn't do anything stupid. But wait! Maybe he just looks innocent but he's actually not. I bit my lower lip, and glared at him again. I don't know why, but whenever I think, I tend to bit my lower lip. I know, okay! I'm weird.

"So?" Bogum said, awakening myself from my thoughts. I sighed. "Fine. You pay 450, I'll pay 400" I replied. He smiled at me again. He looks so freaking handsome when he smiles. He is such a charming Asian guy. "Its a deal" He said.

I could hear the other Asian guys that were filming him was whispering something. But of course, I couldn't understand it. They were speaking in their own language.

"That should be good. Because the counch inside that room could turn into a sofa-bed" the hotel employee replied. We both nodded. I began to pay and Bogum also did. Then the lady gave us our hotel key.

"Thank you" Bogum said politely. This Asian guy seems so kind. He caught me looking at him, then he smiled "Let's go?" He said. Then we began to enter inside the elevator. The three guys that were filming him entered as well. We waited for the 4th floor patiently. Suddenly, a question popped in my head.

"What about these guys filming you. Where are they going to sleep?" I asked.

The guy with a brown hat answered me. "Don't worry. We will just find a good place to sleep inside this airport. We should be fine" I nodded.

We were finally at the fourth floor, the elevator opened and we began to walk towards our room. Room 415. Bogum opened the room, it was not bad I guess. One big queen size bed and a huge couch beside the window.

"Okay. After we set up these cameras were going to head out" the guy with the brown hat said to Bogum. Bogum just politely nodded. Then the two other guys began setting up the camera inside the room. One beside the lamp, another one on the right corner of the room and another camera set up at the left corner of the room.

"We will go back here tomorrow morning around 7:30" the guy said. Bogum nodded. Then the three guys began to head out, I was going to say something but they already shut the door. I scratched my head and looked at Bogum.

"Can I asked you a question?" I asked

"Sure" he answered

"Why did they put cameras inside our room and why the heck are they always filming you!?"

He laughed. "Were filming a variety show" Bogum answered

"A variety show?" I asked confused

"Yeah. The show is called Youth over Flowers. They kidnap you and take you to a place and the whole time they are going to film you" He replied

"Oh. And someone actually watches that?" I asked Bogum. He nodded "I guess so" he answered. I sighed and looked at the cameras.

"Are you like popular or something?" I asked.

"I don't know"

"Tell me. Are you a celebrity in your country or what?" I asked

"Why do you keep asking questions. Don't tell me, your interested at me" he winked, probably thinking that I have a crush on him

"You know what. You're right. Why do I even care about you?! Screw it. I don't care. I won't ask questions anymore"

"Okay" Bogum said

"Okay!!!" I shouted

"Why are you shouting at me?"

"I don't know! Just go to bed! I'm tired"

"Jeez" he said

I didn't actually go to bed, I sat on the couch for a while and played with my phone. Bogum went inside the washroom, he is probably going to take a shower. A few moments later, Bogum went out from the washroom. He was scratching his head.

"I need more shampoo" he said.

"Okay. I'll go downstairs and ask for more shampoo" I replied

"No, its okay. I can just phone them"

"I want to have a little walk anyway, I'll go get it" I said. Bogum thanked me. "Is there still anything that you need?" I asked

"Hmmm.... Maybe a couple more towels please" Bogum answered. I nodded. "OK. I'll be back" I mumbled, then I began to head downstairs. I used the stairs instead of the elevator.

When I finally got at the front desk I asked for towels and shampoo, then a black lady named Ria gave it to me. I thanked her, we chatted for a while. She was really nice. We talked about how it is working in this busy airport.

A few minutes passed, I finally said goodbye to her and began to head to my hotel room. I used the stairs again instead of the elevator. Then suddenly I thought about Bogum. Maybe he is a popular celebrity in his country. Is he Korean, Chinese or Japanese? Hmm... I wonder. Arrgghh. Whatever. He's Asian. That's what he is. An Asian guy. To be honest, he is actually cute. I noticed that I finally arrived at the fourth floor. I began to walk towards Room 415. I looked for my hotel keys. I reached in my pockets. What the heck? My hotel key isn't here. I forgot it inside the room!

Authors Note:

Hey guys! If you liked this chapter make sure to vote! If you guys didn't know.. Youth over flowers is.... "Youth Over Flowers is a South Korean travel-reality show which premiered on tvN in 2014. Genre: Travel"

If you would like to know more about Youth over Flowers, go and Google it! Hahaha. You guys should watch that show! Just make sure you're searching Youth over flowers "in Africa" because that is the episode where Bogum is in it.

Who's That Guy? (A Park Bogum Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now