"It could be a lie. The watch seems so fake." I felt something wash down my cheek. I  placed my hand on my cheek and rested my elbow on the desk like I was bored. secretly wiping my tears. 

After class, I stayed behind and left after everyone else left. I pretended I was okay, and walked towards the cafeteria since it's lunch time. 

"Yah, why are you late?" Minho scolded. 

"I was busy. I had to get something." I answered coldly. 

"Chill, I'm pretty sure he meant well." Seunghoon helped him. 

"Why is your shirt wet?" Seungyoon asked concernly. Oh, I hate you so much that I can't. 

"Oh, water spilled a little." 

"No, you didn't. You were crying." Jungmi corrected me in her mumbles through the food. I elbowed her. She winced slightly. 

We ate in silence for a moment before Taehyun spoke up. 

"Wait, what did you say?" He asked Jungmi. I looked at her, begging her not to tell. 

"Oh, I was saying she should be more careful."

"No, you didn't say that. It's longer." He frowned and looked over at me. I looked down at my food, pretending to eat and ignore him. 

"Your eyes are red. You were crying, weren't you?" He inspected. I ignored him. Jinwoo rose his eyebrows for an answer. I continued to chew my food. I didn't look up. I didn't want to. I couldn't. 

"Hey, wanna see what I brought for the presentation?" Jungmi tried to change the subject. 

"I brought...a ring!" She brought it out to show them. 

"Ooh, it's so shiny and sparkly!" Minho and Seunghoon exclaimed. 

"I know right!" Jungmi grinned widely. I felt Taehyun's piercing gaze on me. 

"What did you bring, Hyejin?" 

"I, uh, brought a watch..."

"Can we see?"

"Ugh..." The bell rang. My life is saved! I can't believe it. Saved by the bell!

I quickly got up, threw my tray of garbage away and left. 

I went to my locker and grabbed a few books. I took out the box with the watch and placed it on the shelf so I can put the books in. When I reached for the box to put it back, a hand grabbed it. I gasped and turned around. 

"Yah, give it back!" I screamed. He opened the box and the watch fell out. My eyes opened in disbelief. It fell to the floor and a piece of it fell off. 

"YAH! NAM TAEHYUN! LOOK WHAT YOU DID! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! I HATE YOU!!!!" I screamed in his face before running off. 

Tears escaped my eyes. Luckily, nobody was in the classroom yet. I quickly wiped my tears away, keeping a composed face. 

Stupid Nam Taehyun! I can't believe him. He broke the watch! Wait, I left it there!

I gasped and ran back there. The watch isn't there! I searched around. The late bell rang so I walked back to the room, gloomily. 

After school, I searched the halls. I couldn't find the watch. 

Where did it go? Where could it go? I am so stupid! Why did I leave it on the floor?! I can't believe myself! I am such a pabo! 

I gave up and walked home. 

"Hey-" Taehyun came in front of me.

"Leave me alone!" I stormed away, running home. I slammed the door shut, startling Jungmi. 

"Sorry." I apologized and headed for my room. 

For the next couple of days, me and Taehyun were like enemies again. But the silent type. We didn't talk to each other for those days. 

But one day after school, I stayed behind, he came up to me...

"Hyejin-ah..." I ignored him and packed my bag. I picked up the books. I began to walk off. 

"I'm sorry. Okay? I didn't mean to break the watc-" I stopped.

"I don't need to know." I started walking again. 

"But...." He said something but I was too far to hear. I opened my locker, and placed the books in. I was about to close it but something appeared in front of my face. 

It's the watch! It's broken anyway. 

I gently pushed away and slammed the locker close. 

"Yah, it's the watch. I-"

"It's broken. It's useless now. And yeah, whatever I said in class was a lie."

"I fixed it!" I stopped. I heard him run up to me. He showed me the part that broke off. 

I frowned in disbelief. I stared at him, not believing it.

"It has your father's initials on it." He showed me again. 

It is! How is it possible?

I quickly grabbed it. I inspected it. Nothing wrong with it. 

"How did you-"

"I have my ways." 

"Well, uh, thanks."

"Your welcome. But you still owe me." 


"You have been ignoring me for the past couple of days." 

"You deserve it." 

"No, I don't. I meant to tell you I fixed it a long time ago. But someone wouldn't let me speak."

"I don't know what you are talking about." I placed the watch in my bag. 

"You owe me big time." He cornered me. 

"I need to go home." 

"Not until this." He moved closer and his lips met mine....

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