lauren: ok thats probably true but i would stop after a few minutes

camila: see

camila: no

camila: im not telling u

lauren: ugdhdh youre so annoying

camila: i know :)

camila: fUCK

lauren: what happened now omg

lauren: did you fall off your bed or

camila: nO but

camila: its gonna be spring break when im on break so theres gonna so many prepubescent adolescents in miami

camila: sad

camila: i cant go to disney world

camila: :(

lauren: ugjhA true

camila: theres gonna be too many ppl and i hate crowded places

lauren: its ok i know some chill places we can hang out at

lauren: there wont be too many people

camila: together?

lauren: yeah if you want

camila: as a date?

lauren: yes

camila: like seriously

camila: like an actual date

lauren: yeS

camila: like as in a date that may lead to us being girlfriends

lauren: yes you dummy

camila: ok ok im just clarifying

camila: were finally moving from hypothetical girlfriends to actual girlfriends nice

lauren: not yet but soon

camila: idk how im so calm rn lmao

camila: i would be freaking out but im so fucking tired

camila: like i dont think ive slept in over 28 hours

lauren: :(

lauren: poor baby

camila: im ur poor baby

camila: ;)

camila: buT do u have ur own place 

camila: in miami

lauren: no but normani does 

lauren: why

camila: bc like my apartments in cali so id have to stay w my parents lmao

camila: aND I WANT TO 

camila: but like i wanna see you

lauren: you could just stay with them and we can hang out whenever 

camila: bUT thats not enough jgksajdsa

lauren: we can hang out at normanis too

lauren: shed probably die but like that would work

camila: yEs i like her

camila: i think dinah lowkey wants to fuck her lmao

lauren: ok same

camila: also same

camila: bUT no

camila: ur mine

camila: :))

lauren: i am

lauren: but

camila: ohno

lauren: what tattoos do you want

camila: kjdgakjads no

lauren: cmoN i wont tease you i swear

camila: youll see if we ever get them together

camila: or if i ever get them in the first place

camila: thERE

lauren: you're so annoying omg

camila: :)

camila: you love me tho

lauren: i do

lauren: despite your childish antics :)

camila: and i love u too


a/n: i hAve so many things in my works rn u guys have no idea

but between clexa and norminah what do u want first (so far theyre social media aus bc i find that cool & fun to write) or if u guys have any other pairings u want me to write im open to it

also im emo as fuck rn bc clexa and i have 2 tragic one shots and im finally getting less bitter so i have 1 fluffy/cute kinda thing im working on

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