Nice to Meet You Too

Start from the beginning

Crimsons eyes were now filled with determination, blazing and burning with will, a fire has been lit in his soul. The red head pushed his hands against the blooded floor, and that was because of Kagami's bloody nose after the crash. Back to the point, he steadied himself on his wobbly legs as they were the legs of a new born fawns. Then, the accident man bowed his head down, in a perfect posture.

"I'm sorry for being late! I'm the new trainee teacher, Kagami Taiga!"

Yup, Kagami was not a student late for his first day, but a late teacher. The red head didn't change his bending state, he was only met with a pregnant silence, until it was broke with a deep heavy filled with ominous and dark aura coming out from the chuckle, and that pulled Kagami against the gravity of the earth upwards in a straightened standing position. The red head shoulder tensed, his posture indicated how nervous and worried he was feeling when he saw an approaching man with a shining bald head with a single black strand of hair standing on his head.

The baldy stood in front of Kagami opening one of his closed eyes, a smile stretching on his lips, he started rubbing his double chin. Kagami assumed that the old man was the principle of the school, "Ho Ho Ho, no need to be so uptight relaaaax~ Kagami-sensei welcome to Teiko Middle school ho~"

Kagami brightened up, "THANK YOU!" the red head laughed nervously when he saw the principle glare because of his loud voice, and before Kagami could apologize, the short baldy raised his hands in front Kagami's face.

An angry smile was printed on the principle and a tick was vividly shown on his shiny head.

"You are late for your class Kagami-SENSEI"

The red head found himself stumbling over nothing AGAIN as he was running the race of his life.

After getting lost for about 2 times, he was late, really late. Though, it was expected to Kagami at least, since this was his first day, it cannot be helped, in addition to that he's new not an old teacher. Kagami started feeding himself all types of excuses until he arrived to his assigned classroom. The red head was panting, it seems he tired himself from the aimless running, since the classroom was next to the teacher's longue, he explored and searched for the classroom all around the school, Kagami wanted to face palm, and let's not forget that he tired out his brain of thinking what to say to his new students. Well he slide the door of the classroom, and entered. This caused the ceasing of the loud chattering, replacing it with murmurs, about how tall he was, nationality, was he Japanese, his fiery bloody red hair, forked eyebrows that looked like chop sticks or the rabbit shaped apple, and even his doesn't-suit-him-suit.

He nearly snapped at his students who gave him the, oh so warm welcoming, but he held his strict, insulting tongue back, these kids were his newly found students.

For god's sake, he was the adult here, getting riled up by a bunch of kids, he doesn't even like middle school brats, he favoured kids who were in kindergarten that didn't cause the increase of blood rush and pressure.

Kagami slammed his hand against the teacher's desk and that caused a little bit of shaking to the desk, but it was fine, still the desk in perfect condition; the tiger sighed in relief. Then he smiled so sweetly at the students, it could make the heart of any woman to flutter at his cuteness...maybe?

"The name is Kagami Taiga," the red head begun, then eyed the first row of students, "So let's all be friends from now on, I'm not that far from your age, I'm just a bit older. You can think of me as your brother, I don't mind..." Kagami's eyes fell on the last two rows, there was like 6 students who have funny hair colors, not that he have something the right; he had a fiery and beautiful crimson, but it seemed natural.

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