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August 18, 2016

Hi Leah.

I'm sorry I haven't written to you in more than a year. Man, a lot has happened.

Remember Ayesha, the woman I said I was in love with? We're married now. She just gave birth to our first beautiful baby. Her name is Riley, the name that you said we'd give our child. When I suggested naming our first daughter in honor of you, Ayesha was nothing but supportive. She said that Riley was a beautiful name.

This is the happiest I've felt for as long as I can remember.

It's been close to two whole years since I got that phone call from my family, breaking the news that you were gone. But I still think about you constantly, and I always will.

The other day, I even went and visited your grave for the first time since you were buried. But I'm beginning to move on. I'm finally becoming happy again.

This is what you would have wanted, right? You always put yourself second to everyone you loved.

I don't know if I'll be writing you more letters any time soon. I've finally accepted that life has to move on without you. But Leah, I promise that doesn't mean I'll ever forget about you.

I hope you're doing well up there.

Love always,

Letters to Leah » Stephen CurryWhere stories live. Discover now