Harry- You bump into him in your hometown

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This is a Harry Imagine requested by the lovely Erincullen0! Please show what you think and to request an imagine, follow me and private message me!

It was a bright and sunny day in (Y/HT/N) and you having nothing to do, since all your homework was done, you decided to go out for a cup of your favorite drink from Starbucks, it wasn't a long walk, so packing your books away and braiding your butt-length dark brown hair with twin pigtails, you slipped on your converse, grabbed your purse with your iPhone 5s, wallet and sunglasses and stepped out of your house, locking it behind you.

Along the way, you heard what sounded like a mob of girls screaming. 'Jeez, girls today! What's all the racket about?!'

Thinking, nothing of it you continued on, but as you did the screams and cries only seem to have gotten louder. Suddenly somebody bumped into you, sending you both to the ground.

"Ouch!? Hey! Watch where you're going pal!" you groaned, rubbing your forehead. Feeling something, warm and slick on your fingers, you pulled your hand back to see red sticky liquid on your fingers. 'Oh great, I am bleeding' you mentally groaned, as your vision blurred.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry," came a raspy apology. Looking up, you were momentarily blinded by the intensity of the sun. Flinching away from the bright light you groaned, until something or should I say someone blocked it from sight.

"Oh my god, you're bleeding! We need to get you medical attention Ms....?" he trailed off realizing he didn't even know your name.

"Err...Erin...Erin Jones"

"Hi Erin, my name is Harry. Harry Styles and we really need to get you patched up otherwise it'll get infected." He said, lifting me to my feet. Slinging my arm over his shoulder, he asked me to point out where my house is. Something soft and silky brushed my cheek as I gave him the directions to my house. Taking a deep breathe in, I smelled some sort of musk and apples. I loved apples. (Sorry if this isn't true😓)

Taking in another breath, I sighed when my surrounding become familiar. Pointing at my house, I pass him the keys and he unlocks the door.

Entering the house, he looks around the interior, admiring it probably. I cleared my throat and he snapped out whatever he was doing.

"Oh! We need a first aid kit! Umm where..." "Underneath the kitchen sink" I cut him off, pointing left to where the kitchen was.

"Okay, thanks!" And with that he disappeared around the corner. 'Hmm, Harry Styles...Why does that name sound so familiar? Harry Styles....Harry...Styles' Suddenly, my eyes widened. 'Oh my god! Harry Styles is in my house! Whoa! Calm down Erin, don't get yourself so riled up! Yes it's him, but remember he's also a person like you!'

"Found it! I found the kit, now let's get that scrape fixed, shall we?" he grinned, his eyes lighting up a bright green as he jumped and landed right beside you on the sofa. I winced, feeling a dull little pain.

"Sorry. Okay, this is gonna sting for a bit" he warned, pouring some alcohol on a cotton swab, and immediately touching it to the cut on my forehead.

I hissed in pain, but stood still as he cleaned it and bandaged it up, using a bandaged that thankfully matched my skin which was a pretty copper color.

"Thanks Harry" I thanked him, looking away from those gorgeous green eyes.

"No problem. Hey, don't look away! I wanna see those gorgeous chocolate brown orbs! Please!" he begged. You swooned and after a few minutes hesitation, turned to face the curly haired boy and your cherry pink lips unexpectedly met his plump ones.

You could feel his tongue run over the two birthmarks that were on your bottom lip and you instantly pulled back shocked.

"Wow" he breathed, looking at you, dazed and dreamily, his eyes a darker hue than his normal emerald eyes.

"W-what was that for?" you stuttered. I am.positive my cheeks were fireball-red and he could see them. 'Oh my god! He stole my first kiss!'

"It's something I really wanted to do. I-I am sorry Erin, I couldn't help myself!" he stammered, avoiding eye contact. You gaped at the famous teenage heartthrob. 'Harry. Harry Styles. Famous pop star. Viner. Teenage heartthrob loved by millions of girls, and could have models even prettier, slimmer and more stunning than you, wanted to kiss you! YOU!?

"Okay, haha! Very funny! Now what's the real reason?" Harry shot you a baffled look.

"I just told you the real reason, I really wanted to kiss you!"

"You...wanted to kiss me? WHY?! Why me? You're ...you. Incredible, funny, generous, kind Harry Styles and I am just ...me. Erin Jones. Boring, clumsy, silly...." A tanned finger found itself pressed against your lips, silencing the mini rant that bubbled out.

"I wanted to kiss you because I like you Erin. I think you're pretty! I am sorry if that took you by surprise, but hey let me take you on a date, get to know you better!" he grinned

You gaped at the green eyed prince before me. "Y-you w-wanna take me out on a d-d-date?" He nodded eagerly.

"Hey, it doesn't have to be an extravagant thing, we could just catch a movie or order a pizza here and get to know one another, okay?" You nodded your head, tongue tied.

"Great, here give me you phone, so I can get in contact with you."

"Thanks" He punched his digits into your phone and returned it to you.

"Hey! How are you gonna leave without the paparazzi or other fan-girls finding you?" you asked, worried that he would that as soon as he stepped outside he would be mobbed. You didn't want that happening outside your home.

He shot you a dimpled smile. "Don't worry, I called my manager. He should be here soon, so I have got some time"

"Wanna watch a movie while you wait?" you offered, nodding towards the TV screen.




One Direction Imagines and PreferencesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon